Lu Hanting is taking a cold bath when the frosted glass door is knocked.

Lu Han Ting pauses for a moment, then reaches out and opens the glass door. Outside, there is a girl's figure. The summer sunset is coming.

"Why get out of bed and don't want to sleep?" Lu Hanting's long and narrow eyes are scarlet, and his eyes are tightly pouting at her. He asks in a straight and burning mute voice.

Xia Xiwan's eyes do not know where to put, pretty face steaming heat, she hummed twice, "you all wake me up, where can I sleep?"

Lu Hanting stretched out his hand and clasped her delicate white wrist. He pulled her in. He pinched her little nostril affectionately, "the villains first report, who made me sleep?"

Xia Xiwan's black shirt was quickly wet, and her delicate back was against the wall. She looked up at his handsome face near Chi Chi, and then squeezed her fist and hammered his chest.

Lu Hanting's eye color is a deep, big hand clasps her head spoon, kisses her already red swollen lip.

Xia Xiwan's finger belly slowly placed in his fine waist, the man's muscles are strong and strong, hard, and soft with women's different.

She reached out and slowly hugged him.

Lu Hanting loosened her red lips, two people's height difference, her red lips easily fell in his protruding throat, at this time Xia Xiwan heard him cover her ear, with a bit of strong dumb voice, "wanwan, kiss me."


The next morning.

It was already eight o'clock when Xia Xiwan opened her eyes. She got up late. The morning light outside the window had already poured in through the layers of window curtains. The room was golden and warm.

Xia Xiwan reached out to touch the warm embrace, and Lu Hanting got up.

When did he get up?

Both of them went to bed in the early hours of the morning. She was so sleepy that he got up to work as usual. The difference between men and women was too big.

Xia Xiwan got up and got out of bed. She stood at the window and took a breath of fresh air in the morning. At this time, she saw the staff downstairs coming to work one after another.

Xia Xiwan suddenly remembered that this was in Lu's group. In his president's office, as long as he thought that two people had been making such a long time last night, Xia Xiwan couldn't look at herself directly. It was the bowl of bullwhip soup that caused the trouble, and she set herself on fire.

Mr. Lu is really not a problem!

Xia Xiwan simply washed for a while, and then heard the sound outside, as if someone came into the lounge.

Mr. Lu is back?

Xia Xiwan opened the door of the bath room and went out skipping, "Lu Xian..."

Her words stopped abruptly because it was not Mr. Lu who came in, but a woman.

The woman is still very young. She looks like she is in her thirties, wearing a red dress. She is plump and attractive. Her skin is white and she is beautiful and charming. It is a woman's charm completely different from Xia Xiwan's 20-year-old age.

The woman saw Xia Xiwan also a Leng, but quickly said, "madam, I'm here to clean the president's room and send the president's clothes to dry clean and iron."

Xia Xiwan has never seen this woman, but this is normal. Lu Hanting's lounge must have been cleaned by a specially assigned person. She just didn't expect that the woman who came to clean the room was so beautiful.

"Oh, clean it up." Xia Xiwan gives way.

"Yes, ma'am." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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