"And Mr. Xia, I didn't spend any money on my study. At that time, I was recommended to the imperial Medical University. They said that I only had to eat and drink well, and it didn't cost a cent, so I went there."

"I was 15 years old when I got a double doctorate, even if I graduated, but the Medical University was not willing to let people go. In the next three years, I went to the imperial capital several times. As for what I did, it's not convenient to disclose, because it's confidential. Even if I say it, you may not dare to listen. As you all know, I saved an old man on the street of DIDU, and then returned to Haicheng to replace him I married Mr. Lu of my family. "

Xia Xiwan honestly explained what she had done in these years, except for the blank and confidential three years.

The whole room was quiet, even a needle fell on the ground can be heard, everyone dare not make a sound, so Zheng mang looking at the summer evening line on the rostrum.

The girl is still the girl in my memory, but at the moment, she seems to be covered with light, dazzling, simply people dare not look directly.

Xia Yanyan is muddled, she hears "bang", her whole world collapses.

Xia Xiwan is not a high school graduate, she is a 15-year-old double postdoctoral!

What jump all the way, she is proud of everything in Xia Xiwan here disdain to mention, Xia Xiwan has never played these, she is escorted!

What is the real genius girl, Xia Xiwan is!

Xia Zhenguo and Li Yulan are as pale as ashes. They look at Xia Xiwan like a devil. She She, she, she, she is really terrible. How could she be so terrible?

She is still Xia Xiwan, she is definitely not Xia Xiwan, she is not a person!

President Li Wenqing looked at everyone's expressions with satisfaction, because he used to come here like this. He was not a person.

President Li Wenqing coughed softly, "now we all know Xi Wan's education background. Xi Wangen is Miao Hong, a high-quality student of Medical University, and a proud daughter of heaven. Her educational background has refreshed the history of the whole medical field. We privy Research Institute is very lucky to invite Xi wan to join us. OK, this conference is over. Thank you for your presence."


The media conference is over, but there is still an interview session. People who have slowed down the gods are flocking to surround Xia Xiwan directly.

At this time, Lu Yinyin came over, "Xi Wan, Congratulations, you should have lived in the sun."

"Thank you, aunt." Xia Xiwan said with a smile.

The media rushed to hand over the microphone, which made his neck red. "President Lu, you even know Xia Xiwan. Do you know her education in advance?"

Lu Yinyin looked at the camera and nodded gracefully. "How can I not know such a talented girl in the medical field? In the year when Xi Wan graduated at the age of 15, I invited Xi Wan as the first Chinese to study in San Li College, but Xi Wan refused because he thought it was too far away from home."

What, is there such a thing?

"President Lu, wasn't Xia Yanyan the first Chinese to study in the San Li academy?"

At this time, Xia Yanyan stands aside. She stares at Xia Xiwan and Lu Yinyin with jealousy and bitterness. Her teeth are clenching the tip of her tongue, and she has bitten her own blood.

Lu Yinyin also saw Xia Yanyan. "Xia Yanyan, although she got the admission ticket to the saint Li courtyard, she came in through the back door, and someone pushed her over. I accepted it because of human feelings."

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