My God, everyone looked at Xia Yanyan in shock. It turned out that she had gone through the back door to study in the San Li College. But Xia Xiwan, 15, received an invitation from the president of the San Li College in person and refused to leave home too far away!

This The gap between real and fake gifted girls is so hot!

Reporters have handed the microphone to Xia Yanyan. Even Xia Zhenguo and Li Yulan can't avoid it.

Xia Yanyan, are you very angry now because of your superficial medical skills, fake academic qualifications, being criticized by the mainstream media, and being hammered by President Lu, we have witnessed the strongest face fight in history on your body. Your face is almost swollen. It seems that you are going to be angry!

Li Yulan, you're going to vomit blood. Your two daughters are still straw bags, and the summer sunset that you want to destroy will grow wild against the wind.

Xia Zhenguo, is this your most proud daughter, Xia Yanyan? Do you want to buy regret medicine? The heavy money and years of expectation that have been thrown on Xia Yanyan are just a flash in the pan. You bet the wrong treasure, and the feelings of these years have been paid by mistake.

Xia Zhenguo and Li Yulan have a thousand words in their hearts, but they can't talk about it. They didn't expect that they were robbed by these vicious media reporters. They couldn't help asking whether the current media reporters are so poisonous?

These cameras are still taking pictures of their faces. Xia Zhenguo and Li Yulan's intrigues seem to have been magnified by countless microscopes. At this moment, they are embarrassed and have no place to hide. They can only reach out and cover their head and face like a mouse crossing the street, "don't shoot, you don't shoot any more!"

Xia Yanyan is frozen in the same place, cold all over the years, she has been working hard to get rid of the shadow of green leaves. After all, she was a "servant girl" beside Nanwan Beiling. She spent so many years becoming the first lady in Haicheng. She studied abroad and came back with gold plating. She thought her life was about to take off.

However, she found that she was too naive. Only two months after she came back from the San Li Yuan, she was beaten back to the prototype by Xia Xiwan.

The world she tried to build collapsed.

Xia Yanyan looked at these media reporters. She saw in their eyes ridicule, ridicule, sympathy, indifference, hostility, and even someone bumped into her and then stepped on her.

"Get out of here. I won't be interviewed. You all stay away from me!" Xia Yanyan shrieked.

There was a lot of people there, and President Li Wenqing came over, "wanwan, the press conference is over. Let's go to the business room to discuss the operation plan of old lady Li."

Xia Xiwan took a look at Xia Yanyan's activities. From the moment she came back to Haicheng, she swore in her heart that these people added to her pain, and she would return them one by one!

"Well, Dean, let's go."

Xia Xiwan turns around and sees Lu Zixian by Li Wenqing.

Lu Zixian also came to attend the media conference, but as always, the whole process was very low-key. Now he came over, his cool eyes fell on her, and there was a soft light shining inside.

Lu Yinyin said with a smile, "Xi Wan, you probably don't know. Zixian graduated from the first-class Medical University of the imperial capital. Like you, Zixian was recommended to the junior class at the age of 13. However, Zixian did not study for double doctorates, but directly studied abroad. Therefore, his academic record in the medical field has been kept for so many years, which is broken by you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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