Xia Xiwan remembers Lu Hanting's body in his heart, so she quickly opens the quilt and gets up. She looks for a circle in such a big room, but can't find his person.

Is he out?

"Lu Hanting Lu Hanting Lu Ah

The door of the bath room was suddenly opened, and a big hand with distinct bony joints came out and pulled her fiber arm to pull her in.

Delicate back against the door, Xia Xiwan see the person in front of him, is Lu Hanting.

Lu had a few cold baths. He was wearing a black shirt and trousers, and his short black hair was dripping with water.

The man who is stained with water mist is very young and handsome.

"To me?" Lu Hanting's voice is very hoarse.

Xia Xiwan raised his hand and touched his forehead, which was even hotter than before. This time, the old lady had a black hand and didn't know where to get the tonic, which was very strong.

"I'll give you a needle." Xia Xiwan had a silver needle in his hand, and wanted to pierce into the acupoints of his body.

Lu Hanting but clasped her slender Hao wrist, and then buried the handsome face in her neck socket, rubbed against, "Wan Wan, I am very uncomfortable."

Xia Xiwan's heartbeat instantly disordered the rhythm, did not expect such a strong and domineering man will also be so clinging to people.

"Wanwan, I took several cold baths, but I still can't. I stayed here alone, but why did you come out to look for me?"

His hoarse voice whispered in her ears, and summer evening thread felt that his heart had become a pool of water.

"I I didn't mean to. If I disturb you, I'll go out now

Lu Han Ting interrupted her, "you are always like this, you lift people up and then abandon them. Since you have come this time, do you think you can still retreat?"

He raised his hand, dropped his fingertips on her pajamas and began to unbutton.

Xia Xiwan's pupil shrank, momentarily holding down his big hand. She remembered his phone call when he was on a business trip. It was a woman who answered the phone call, his lover.

What is she in his eyes?

Is it one of the many lovers?

Xia Xiwan felt that a basin of cold water rushed down, and his reason quickly recovered, "Lu Hanting, if you really feel uncomfortable, go to find another woman."

Lu Hanting's tall and upright body was stiff.

He slowly raised his head, and his scarlet eyes glared at her with a cold air, "what do you say, repeat what you just said!"

Xia Xiwan felt that his appearance at the moment was very terrible, but she did not shrink back, "Lu Hanting, you refuse me to give you the needle is not to want a woman, since you are full of such things, then you go out to find other women!"

Huge anger quickly filled the whole chest, Lu Hanting's eyes suddenly became haze all over, she even let him go out to find other women!

Lu Hanting pulled his fist, and his bones and joints made a penetrating sound.

The next second, he hits straight.

When the fierce fists came, Xia Xiwan didn't hide, but he closed his eyes instinctively.

Bang, a sound, Lu Hanting's fist hit the side of the glass mirror.

He didn't hurt her.

When Xia Xiwan opened his eyes, he saw that his fist was cut by the glass fragment, and several lines of blood flowed down.

It's shocking.

"Lu Hanting, your hand..."

Lu Hanting let go of her, without saying anything, just slammed the door.

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