Xia Xiwan's whole person's condition is very bad, one side guards Lin's aunt, Lin's aunt is still unconscious, the other side is not willing to give up.

On that day, Lu Hanting slammed the door and left and never came back. Two days later, the old lady told her that he was on business again.

Xia Xiwan knew that he was not on a business trip, but he made an excuse not to let the old man worry. On the other hand, he also gave her dignity.

This state continued until the afternoon, Xia Xiaodie's phone call.

Xia Xiwan is connected by pressing the button, and Xia Xiaodie's complacent voice quickly passes over, "Xia Xiwan, let's play in the 1949 bar at night. Dare you come?"

Xia Xiwan doesn't want to let herself decadent any more. She won't forget the original intention of her coming back this time. She has a lot of things to do.

"Well, I'll be on time for the appointment in the evening."


1949 bar.

Xia Xiwan enters the box. Xia Xiaodie has come, and Kong zhen'er.

Xia Xiaodie can't wait to put up his hand, "Xia Xiwan, what do you see on my ring finger?"

Xia Xiaodie wears a big diamond ring on her hand.

Xia Xiwan hasn't spoken yet. Kong zhen'er has already "wow" a voice, singing a song and saying, "Xiaodie, is this diamond ring from Su Shao? Su Shao gave you a diamond necklace for your birthday, and now he has given you a big diamond ring. Su Shao really dotes on you."

Xia Xiaodie looks at Xia Xiwan with great pride, and wants to see a trace of envy from her face. "Yes, this is the diamond ring that brother Suxi gave me. The key is that in two days, brother Suxi and I will hold a grand engagement party, and then brother Suxi will propose to me."

"Xiaodie, I really envy you. It's the dream of the celebrities in Haicheng to marry to be a little grandmother of the Su family."

Xia Xiaodie looks at Xia Xiwan. It's a pity that Xia Xiwan doesn't show any envy. She just listens faintly. She feels her fists are smashed on cotton.

"Xia Xiwan, you are so calm on the surface. In fact, you have already envied me. Brother Suxi is mine, and he loves me too. You can't take it away!"

Xia Xiwan looked at Xia Xiaodie and said with a faint smile, "don't worry, I won't rob your brother Suxi. Moreover, at your engagement party, I will give you a mysterious gift!"

What mysterious gift?

Xia Xiaodie thinks that Xia Xiwan, a local bunny, can't afford to give any mysterious gifts.

At this time, "Ding" a, Xia Xiwan's mobile phone rang, to SMS.

From Susie.

Xia Xiwan open a look at the 1949 bar, to show you a good thing.

What a coincidence. She's in the 1949 bar right now.

Xia Xiwan takes a look at Xia Xiaodie and Kong zhen'er on the opposite side, and then returns one. I am now in the 1949 bar. You can find me in the box.

Put the mobile phone in the bag, Xia Xiwan said, "Xia Xiaodie, you come out, I have something to tell you."

"What can't be said here?" Although Xia Xiaodie murmured in her mouth, she was too curious and went out with Xia Xiwan.

Kong zhen'er is left in the box.


Kong zhen'er felt very bored by herself. Xia Xiaodie ordered a lot of good wine. She secretly drank two cups.

But it's too alcohol to drink.

When Kong zhen'er's face was burning red with drunkenness, the box door opened, and Su Xi, a tall and handsome man, came in.

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