Kong zhener's family background is not good, but she herself is vain. Following Xia Xiaodie, Xia Xiaodie will give her some benefits, such as her old brand-name bags and clothes. Xia Xiaodie will also bring her to the high-end bar of 1949 to drink expensive wine. This kind of life of luxury is what she has always been dreaming of.

Xia Xiwan says that she is a pug beside Xia Xiaodie, which is absolutely correct.

But Kong zhen'er doesn't want others to say that about her. She knows that Xia Xiaodie is a brainless bag. She is deeply envious of Xia Xiaodie's good luck. She doesn't like Xia Xiaodie.

There is also Xia Xiwan. She hates Xia Xiwan even more. In her opinion, Xia Xiwan should be more humble than her, but Xia Xiwan will live so bright and beautiful.

Kong zhen'er stealthily drank two expensive glasses of wine. Just as she tasted the dry taste of the wine, Suxi came in.

Seeing sushi, Kong zhen'er quickly got up, "Su Why are you here, Susie

Su Xi glanced at the box, and did not see the summer evening line who asked him to come here. His eyes fell on Kong zhen'er's face, "where is Xia Xiwan?"

Kong zhener can't even look at Su Xi's pretty face. Every Cinderella will imagine that one day her prince charming will come, fall in love with her and make her a princess that everyone envies.

Su Xijun, one of the four big families, is the prince charming.

Whenever Su Xi and Xia Xiaodie are together, Kong zhener fantasizes that he can replace Xia Xiaodie.

Kong zhener likes sushi.

This is the first time that two people are alone. Kong zhen'er's heart almost jumps out of her chest. She looks at Suxi with water and says, "Su Shao, Xia Xiwan just went out with Xiaodie."

Susie frowned and sat down on the sofa. "Then I'll wait here."

Suxi did not look at Kong zhen'er again, but took out the mobile phone in his pocket.

Kong zhen'er's heart thumped. She looked at Suxi's handsome face with admiration, and then she poured a glass of red wine to sushi in a hurry. "Sushao, have a drink of the bar."

Kong zhen'er goes over and hands the glass to sushi.

But she was a little drunk, and the person she liked was right in front of her, so she sprained her foot and threw herself into Susie's arms.


Xia Xiaodie comes out with Xia Xiwan, but Xia Xiwan doesn't say anything to her. She just walks on her own.

"Xia Xiwan, what on earth do you want to say?" Xia Xiaodie is impatient.

Xia Xiwan came to the door of the bathroom and chuckled, "I just want to invite you to go to the bathroom with me."

Xia Xiaodie was stunned and knew that she had been cheated by Xia Xiwan. She immediately scolded, "Xia Xiwan, you are sick of your brain!"

Xia Xiaodie turns back to the box.

Xia Xiwan looks at Xia Xiaodie's angry figure and chooses a delicate willow eyebrow. I wonder if Kong zhen'er will let her down?


Xia Xiaodie pushes open the box door and goes in, "zhen'er, I..."

The next second, Xia Xiaodie's voice is gone, because Kong zhen'er jumps into Su Xi's arms and is staring at Su Xi's handsome face.

This scene is incomparably ambiguous.

Xia Xiaodie was stunned. Her anger burned her brain. She immediately asked, "Kong zhen'er, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, hearing Xia Xiaodie's voice, Kong zhen'er's all beauties are scared away. She quickly gets up and bumps into Xia Xiaodie's terrible eyes.

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