Kong zhen'er was scared and shivered. Xia Xiaodie's obstinate, willful and envious address was not in vain. Now Xia Xiaodie's eyes seemed to eat her raw.

Susie had already got up. There was no change in his handsome face. There were so many women that he didn't want to pay attention to.

"Butterfly, what about the summer sunset?" Asked Susie.

"Summer butterfly elder brother is facing the toilet, she is very difficult to find a smile

"I'll talk to her about something."

Susie is out.

There were only two women left in the box. Kong zhen'er was scared away by her drunkenness. She quickly explained with a white face, "Xiaodie, listen to me..."

Xia Xiaodie rushes forward and slaps Kong zhen'er hard.

Kong zhen'er fell on the carpet, very embarrassed, "Xiaodie, I didn't mean to do it just now. Nothing happened to me and Su Shao."

Xia Xiaodie sneered. She grabbed Kong zhen'er's hair. "Of course, nothing happened because I came back in time. Kong zhen'er, you mean woman, you secretly seduce my fiance. Do I give you little benefit at ordinary times? You are a pug I keep!"

Xia Xiaodie pulled Kong zhen'er's long hair and dragged her to the corridor. She also began to pick up her clothes. "You don't like to seduce men. I'll strip you all now. Come on, everybody, look at it. This shameless bitch seduces my fiance!"

After Xia Xiaodie called out, many people came around.

The men in this bar are all for recreation. Kong zhen'er was born very beautiful. He was born in the University of white beauty.

Xia Xiaodie is very shrewd. She has torn the clothes on her top, revealing a lot of spring light. Under this circumstance, those men who are watching are pointing at her unkindly.

Kong zhen'er was also shameful. With the burning pain on her body and the humiliation and embarrassment she suffered, all the tears in her eyes suddenly came out.

"Butterfly, let me go, don't hit me..." She tried to protect her clothes, humble crying for mercy.

Xia Xiaodie was tired, and she kicked Kong zhen'er fiercely, "you are such a bitch, you'd better not appear in my sight again, or I'll kill you!"

Xia Xiaodie flies away arrogantly.

Kong zhen'er curled up on the ground, trying to protect his body. At this time, a man touched her and said with a smile, "she's very beautiful. It's very beautiful. How much is it for a night? Play with me."

Kong zhen'er was so scared that he cried and tried to avoid those dirty hands that reached out to her, "get out of my way, don't touch me!"

At this time, a coat fell over her shoulder, covering all her embarrassment.

Kong zhen'er looks up. It's Xia Zhenguo.

Xia Zhenguo looked at Kong zhen'er, "aren't you Xiaodie's best friend? How did you get this look?"

The onlookers quickly recognized Xia Zhenguo and said politely, "it turns out that Xia Zong, Xia Zong, has not been seen for a long time."

Xia Weilan is not as rich as a man in his forties.

Xia Zhenguo said, "everybody, I know this girl. Let's see what's going on."

"Well, we'll all say goodbye."

Everyone's gone.

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