Xia Xiwan's hands and feet are cold, and her grandfather just woke up. Today was the day of reunion, but she didn't expect that his grandfather was poisoned and reunion became a farewell.

All the joy was instantly drenched out, Xia Xiwan tightly held the hand of the old man, and his eyes quickly became moist, "grandfather, don't go, please, you are my only family member."

Xia Laozi does not give up touching the head of Xia Xiwan, and then looks at Xia Zhenguo.

Xia Zhenguo knelt down at the head of the bed with a thump

Master Xia said his last words, "Wan Wan is our little lady of Xia family. The whole Xia family must obey her orders, including Xia family in the capital city and your second uncle. After I leave, someone will come to pick you up. If you have no future, don't go and stay in the Sea city."

Xia Zhenguo did not think that the last word of the old man to him was "muddle along". I don't know whether the four words are the heartache of the old man or that of Xia Zhenguo.

At this time, Mr. Xia slowly closed his eyes and walked away quietly and peacefully.

Xia Xiwan's eyes were blurred by tears, "grandfather! Grandfather

Xia Zhenguo became an orphan without his father and fell in front of the bed crying.


The whole hospital was covered with a layer of sadness of parting. Xia Xiwan sat on the cold bench of the hospital, her eyes were red and swollen with tears. Her grandfather's departure took away her last nostalgia for the sea city.

Ye Ling handed a cup of hot water in the past, "wanwan, the old man is very peaceful. You should be patient. Now the most important thing is to find out who poisoned him and who killed him!"

Xia Xiwan wipes the tears off her face. Yes, she has no time to grieve now. She has a lot of things to do.

Xia Xiwan turned his head and looked at Xia Zhenguo. Xia Zhenguo also cried into a tearful person, "I am not your own daughter, why don't you tell me?"

Xia Zhenguo put up the heart of the sad, random wipe tears, "this matter the old man don't let say, how dare I tell you?"

Xia Xiwan suddenly felt relieved. In fact, she did not understand why Xia Zhenguo didn't love her. She was not Xia's daughter at all.

She has her own father, but she doesn't know who her father is.

"Is there a Xia family in the capital city? Do we have a second uncle? I have never heard my grandfather mention it."

Xia Zhenguo thought for a moment, "I don't know much about these things. The old man didn't tell me when he was alive. However, I know that the Xia family in Haicheng is just a branch line of Xia family, which was brought out by your mother when she came to Haicheng. The real Xia family is in the capital city."

"Over the years, we have no contact with the Xia family in the imperial capital city. This should be because we obey your mother's orders and want to cut off the connection with the imperial capital."

Xia Xiwan nodded her head. She thought her grandfather would wake up and she would know the whole truth, but she was more and more confused.

She doesn't know what kind of person Mommy is. There seem to be many mysteries in her.

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