"Who took care of my grandfather in Xia's family during this period of time. The last time I gave my grandfather a needle, my grandfather was not poisoned. This poison was only recently administered."

"All this time Yan Yan takes care of the old man, "said Xia Zhenguo, then stood up and looked at Xia Xiwan in shock." do you suspect Yan Yan poisoned the old man? "

Xia Xiwan sneered, "it's not a doubt, but a firm determination. My grandfather was murdered by Li Yulan and Xia Yanyan's mother and daughter!"

"No way!" Xia Zhenguo quickly denied, "Li Yulan and Yan Yan won't poison the old man. Do you still say it was her mother and daughter who pushed him downstairs more than ten years ago. I don't believe these."

Ye Ling stood on one side and said, "this pair of mother and daughter is really vicious. They murdered the old man. Now there are no human evidence and material evidence. They just have to resist the death and refuse to recognize it."

Xia Xiwan tugs her fist, and Xia Yanyan should see that her grandfather has a sign of awakening. In order not to let the previous things come to light, they choose to cut the roots and poison the grandfather directly.

As long as grandfather is dead, they can rest in peace.

Xia Zhenguo was blind again. He was blinded by lard and didn't believe that they were murderers.

"I don't believe these things, unless we show evidence. Don't worry about them now. The old man is dead. Let's have a funeral first." With that, Xia Zhenguo turned to do the funeral.

At this time came the clear voice of Xia Xiwan, "stop!"

Xia Zhenguo turned back, "what happened?"

Xia Xiwan stood up, she cried to the red and swollen eyes in the overflow of a bit of cold light, "grandfather's death is temporarily confidential, secret not mourning."

"What?" Xia Zhenguo a stiff, "the old man is dead, you don't let him settle down, what do you want to do?"

Xia Xiwan looks at Xia Zhenguo, "Li Yulan, Xia Yanyan, mother and daughter think that they can rest assured and keep a secret when they poison their grandfather? The net of law in this world is wide and wide, but it doesn't miss. I will find them out and let you see with your own eyes what kind of poisonous snakes these years are around you

"You What do you want to do, the old man is dead. "

"Tomorrow is your birthday, I will go to celebrate your birthday, you just have to have a good time, and then give them a breath on the birthday, saying that grandfather is awake!"

Xia Zhenguo was shocked and looked at Xia Xiwan. "You are ridiculous. If you want me to act with you, I won't do it..."

His words have not finished, Xia Xiwan eyes light suddenly cold, scolded him sharply, "Xia Zhenguo!"

Xia Zhenguo has never seen such a fierce Xia Xiwan. The girl's aura is fully open, just like the queen who controls the whole court. His legs shake and almost kneel down.

"Xia Zhenguo, have you forgotten my grandfather's last words? You have to obey my orders. I'm not going to discuss with you now, but to inform you that you must show me the acting skills of the Oscar winner in this play!"

Xia Zhenguo forehead is cold sweat, "know I see. Don't be so fierce. I'm the film Emperor himself. I promise to play well for you

"Go back, don't let them see the flaw, I'll stay here and watch my grandfather!" Xia Xiwan waved his hand and was too lazy to talk nonsense with him again.

Xia Zhenguo ran away in dismay.


Ye Ling looked at Xia Zhenguo's fleeing figure. "Wanwan, I didn't expect Xia Zhenguo to be your father. What's your plan now?"

"Lingling, when I have finished dealing with Li Yulan and Xia Yanyan's mother and daughter, I will go to the imperial capital. I always feel that the imperial capital is calling on me."

"Wanwan, you go to the imperial capital. What about Mr. Lu? You haven't been married for long, will you

Referring to Lu Hanting, the eyes of Xia Xiwan are quickly covered with crystal clear water mist, and he has no longer wanted her.

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