Xia Xiwan doesn't want to tell Ye Ling about Mr. Lu's divorce for the time being. Maybe she doesn't give up on Mr. Lu's marriage. She still doesn't want to divorce.

"Lingling, let's talk about going to the imperial capital in two days. First, I'll settle Li Yulan and Xia Yanyan. You've been with me all day. I'll watch for my grandfather in the evening. Go back quickly."

Ye Ling took Xia Xiwan's fiber arm and looked at her with heartache. Her eyes were red and swollen. "I'm not tired. I'll stay with you."

"Lingling, you go back. I'll ask Mr. Lu to accompany me later."

Ye Ling picked a willow eyebrow. "Yes, Mr. Lu will come to accompany you in the evening. I'll go back first. Call me if you have something to do."


Ye Ling left, Xia Xiwan returned to the ward, she played hot water, with a towel to grandfather carefully wipe.

Grandfather's body has become cold, there is no temperature, but on a second, grandfather's hand is still on her head, affectionately knead.

Xia Xiwan sits by the bed. When there is no one at night, she is surrounded by loss and loneliness. Her tears fall down again. She lies on the head of the bed crying.

My heart is empty.

When the last one of her relatives died, the Xia family was not her home.

She had her own home, with Mr. Lu's, but Mr. Lu didn't want her.

It's like going back 11 years, when she was nine years old and left in the countryside, losing everything.

Xia Xiwan took out her mobile phone and found out Lu Hanting's phone number. She looked at the number several times, but she didn't have the courage to call in the end, although she wanted to let Mr. Lu accompany her at the moment.

In my mind are all the pictures in the study this morning. He stares at her coldly and mercilessly, smashing the pillow on her body and letting her roll out.

Xia Xiwan didn't dare to call him. When he experienced his grandfather's passing away and his heart became a river of sorrow, he didn't dare to send himself to him again and let him tingle.

The night soon came, and the whole hospital was quiet, and there was no sound at all.

At this time, a steady footstep came from the corridor. The door of the ward was pushed open, and a tall and upright body jumped into the sight. Lu Hanting came.

Lu Hanting's body is a black coat. His straight shoulders are stained with the wind and frost outside. Maybe he hasn't shaved for two days. A circle of green dregs appears on his resolute jaw. The whole person looks at the deep, severe, thin and cold atmosphere where no one is allowed to enter.

Lu Hanting comes in. Xia Xiwan holds his grandfather's hand tightly and lies on the head of the bed. He is tired and asleep.

He stood tall beside the bed, looking down at the sleeping girl. Her small face was still covered with tears. Her eyes and nose were red. The slender Yujie fell down quietly. Even Yu Jie was stained with water mist. If you can't fall off, you can't fall off. There is a kind of delicate and fragile beauty. It's really pitiful.

Lu Hanting was in pain. He slowly reached out and wiped the tears on her small face.

The girl in the dream felt his finger belly and his familiar temperature. She moved and rubbed his fingertips with her small face, soft as a cat.

Lu Hanting leaned over and directly held her up.

He did not put her on the bed, but he sat on the head of the bed and held her in his arms and let her sleep in his arms.

His thin lips fell on her forehead and slid down slowly, kissing her swollen eyes, her tearful Yujie, her nose, her face, and finally rubbed her red lips.


He called her name hoarse.


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