The next morning, when Xia Xiwan woke up, she found that she had gone to bed. She thought about it, but she couldn't remember how she went to bed.

She thought it was very difficult to sleep last night and had nightmares, but she had a good sleep unexpectedly last night, and her red and swollen eyes disappeared.

"Grandfather, I'm going to Xia's now. Don't worry, I'll let them pay for their words and deeds!"

Xia Xiwan took a taxi to Xia's home. Today is Xia Zhenguo's birthday, but the whole family is gloomy, and no one comes to celebrate his birthday.

Li Yulan came back from the hospital. She was still in the room. She was very excited when she saw Xia Xiwan. "Xia Xiwan, what are you doing here? Go out quickly. You are not welcome here!"

Li Yulan doesn't want Xia Xiwan to see her jokes.

Xia Xiwan leaned against the door and looked at Li Yulan. "Has the summer family changed its master? Today is my father's birthday. I'm here to celebrate my father's birthday. Li Yulan, why should you drive me away as an outsider?"


When Li Yulan was angry, she was stopped by Xia Yanyan. "Today is Dad's birthday. We are all a family, so don't quarrel. Wanwan, you can stay and have dinner before you leave."

Xia Xiwan looks at Xia Yanyan, and Xia Yanyan returns to her usual delicate and gentle green tea. After so many things happen, she can still swallow her breath like this. Xia Xiwan sniffs out the abnormal smell. Xia Yanyan definitely wants to plan something. She should be fighting with her last chip.

"Well, I'll stay for dinner." Xia Xiwan turns and leaves.

In the room, Li Yulan stopped Xia Yanyan, "Yan Yan, what are you doing with Xia Xiwan?"

Xia Yanyan's eyes showed the light of calculation, but she replied very tight, "Mom, I have my own plan in mind, so you don't have to worry about it."


Xia Xiwan stood by the French window and took a sip of tea. At this time, she felt someone quietly approaching behind her. She looked up at the glass window in front of her and saw a black bodyguard coming over with a dangerous smell.

Summer evening line did not move, just red lips hook out a shallow and indifferent arc.

At this time, the black bodyguard behind him raised his hand and directly cleaved to her back neck.

When the sudden pain came, Xia Xiwan closed his eyes and fainted.

The bodyguard in black reaches out and catches Xia Xiwan. At this time, Xia Yanyan comes over and orders, "send her to the room upstairs."

"It's the eldest lady."

The bodyguard in black sent Xia Xiwan to the big bed in the room upstairs. Xia Yanyan took out her mobile phone and took a photo and sent it to two people respectively.

To do all this, Xia Yanyan sat on the sofa in the living room and waited for others.

Half an hour later, the door of the villa was opened, and a beautiful and tall figure jumped into the sight. Lu Zixian came!

Xia Yanyan said, "academician Lu, welcome to you. They all say that you are one of the most fashionable young academicians in the medical field. There are not many famous women who love you. But you don't even take a look at them. Unexpectedly, you fall in love with Xia Xiwan and become her minister. As long as it involves her, you will come at the first time."

Lu Zixian's cold black eyes looked at Xia Yanyan lightly, "where is Xi Wan?"

"Upstairs room."

Lu Zixian is about to go upstairs.

"Academician Lu," Xia Yanyan called to him from behind, "today is a wonderful opportunity. Xia Xiwan has already sent you to bed." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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