Xia Xiwan tears hazy looking at the old lady, she found that the old man's head of white hair suddenly a lot more, she choked out, "grandma."

"Ah The old lady should a, and then went over, stretched out her hand to embrace Xia Xiwan, and touched her long hair, "good boy, you have been away for a long time, and grandma has missed you."

Xia Xiwan also miss the old lady very much, but she and Lu Hanting have come to this stage today, she dare not visit the old lady, for fear that he thinks she is playing tricks.

"Grandma, what's wrong with him? Why does he have to take a whole bottle of sleeping pills? Does he sleep badly or is his psychology worse?"

The old lady shook her head. "Han Ting didn't tell me anything. I didn't know that he had taken a bottle of sleeping pills until I got to the hospital. Just now the doctor said that all his psychological indexes were abnormal. I'm afraid he is more sick than It's more serious than those three years. I can only rely on sleeping pills. "

Xia Xiwan tears more fierce, in the heart are almost heartache to death, she looked at Lu Hanting, resentment and hate, stupid, you do not have to divorce it, have the ability to divorce, you will be better after divorce, who are you now lying in the hospital bed to see?

"Grandma, his condition can't be separated from treatment. Didn't you ask a doctor to show him?"

"Yes, I have invited a medical team back in Youlan garden, but Han Ting doesn't cooperate with the treatment at all. He always runs out secretly. I know he sneaks out to see you."

The old lady tightly held Xia Xiwan's hand, "Wan Wan, grandma knows that it may be selfish to say so, but Han Ting really It can't be without you. "

Xia Xiwan's small face is full of tears, and her teeth are biting her lips. She shakes her little head into a rattle drum. She is so aggrieved that she can't, "it's not like this, grandma. You don't know. He doesn't like me. He doesn't want me to divorce me. He doesn't allow me to tell you these things. He treats me good or bad..."

The old lady reached out to help Xia Xiwan wipe her tears. "Wanwan, you are really a little fool. How can Han Ting not like you? He just likes you so much that he wants to divorce you and push you away."

Xia Xiwan's long feather trembled, puzzled and puzzled, "I don't understand..."

"Wanwan, have you tried poison and refined medicine for cold Ting?" Asked the old man.

Xia Xiwan is stiff. She looks at the old lady shocked in her tears, and then drops her eyes on Lu Hanting's face. It turns out that So they all know it!

"Wanwan, we all know that it was Han Ting who told me that it was very hard for you to stay with him. He also said that he couldn't give you anything. He also asked me not to call you and not tell you about his bad condition. Wanwan, you are his medicine, but he can only push you away. He will not divorce you with any way he has Step, he loves you so much

Xia Xiwan felt that she was too stupid. She was really a fool. How could she believe that he didn't like her?

It turned out that he was acting.

He wanted to push her away.

"But what happened to him and Xia Yanyan? Grandma, you don't know that he and Xia Yanyan were in the same room at that time. I knocked the door so hard outside and begged him to come out quickly, but he ignored me..."

As long as I think of it, Xia Xiwan still feels the pain of tearing heart and splitting lung.

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