This period of time suppressed in the heart of the grievances and grievances can no longer help, just want to tell Grandma, let Grandma know how bad he is to her.

Xia Xiwan kept crying. She was out of breath. Her weak fragrant shoulder was shaking. "Grandma, I don't like him with other women. I don't like it at all. Even if he has a thousand and ten thousand reasons to be forgiven, I can't accept it. He said that he belongs to me. He said that he was only me. How could he let those women who covet him climb on him He is my bed... "

At the mention of this, the old lady's eyes flashed a cold color. Lu Hanting was her grandson. He used a knife on his own life. Of course, she had to send someone to investigate the situation at that time. Only then did she know that Xia Yanyan gave him the medicine.

The old lady has lived for most of her life. She has not had such a mean woman as Xia Yanyan. She is looking for death.

Now that Xia Yanyan goes in, she will not let her go!

The old lady took out a paper towel to wipe the golden beans on Xia Xiwan's face. She quickly comforted him and said, "wanwan, don't cry. If Han Ting knows you cry so much, he must be heartbroken. He can't bear you to cry."

Xia Xiwan felt that her tears could not be stopped. She was not under her control at all. She was very sad.

"Wan Wan, I don't want me to tell you one thing, but Grandma thinks about it for a while and tells you that you should be prepared mentally..."

Xia Xiwan sobbed with the red nose, "grandma, what's the matter?"

"In fact, that day, Xia Yanyan drugged Han Ting, and she was the most powerful infatuation drug in the world..."


Xia Xiwan suddenly forgot to cry.

"But that day, Han Ting didn't touch Xia Yanyan. The bloody plum on the bed sheet was made by Xia Yanyan herself..."

"How? Isn't he drugged? "

The old lady patted Xia Xiwan's small hand, "Han Ting didn't touch Xia Yanyan. At that time, the medicine was so strong that he took a knife to himself and rowed it in On that part... "

Xia Xiwan sucked and her pupils contracted violently. She never thought that the truth was like this. Her startled eyes moved down slowly from his pale handsome face and fell on his trousers.

"Wan Wan, grandma really likes you, so Han Ting's physical condition must let you all know, Han Ting's aspect seems No, but this is his choice. He said that even though his body is full of holes, he still has pride in you, that is, he left you clean himself, never betrayed. "

"Wan Wan, Han Ting, on the one hand, hope you follow Zixian to the imperial capital and start your extraordinary life, but he can't let you go. During this period of time, he tortured himself again and again, and his illness was out of control."

"Wan Wan, grandma wants you to make your own choice. Do you choose to leave or stay?"

Xia Xiwan stretched out his hand and held his handsome face with trembling hands. His tears broke the bank, one drop and two drops They all hit him in the face.

She didn't think she was wrong. He just hated it.

Now it's even more annoying.

Lu Hanting, you are so annoying!

Xia Xiwan pastes his small face in his neck and bites him fiercely.


Xia Xiwan left the ward and came to the door of the chief physician's office. Song Ming was outside, nodding and smiling, "Miss Xia, sir is in there."

Xia Xiwan small hands on the door, opened the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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