Xia Xiwan was frozen in place. Her clear and bright pupil fell on the man's handsome face from the black hole. Now he looks terrible. His narrow eyes are like ink splashing open. The danger is like an abyss. That layer of red blood makes him dye a bit ferocious.

Now he's got a gun, and the veins on his palms are jumping.

"You Do you know what you're doing? Let go of it

Lu Hanting gazed at her in a gloomy way. His thin lips moved, and his hoarse syllables overflowed from his throat. He also had a resolute and ruthless attitude. "Wanwan, I'm sorry, I can't let you go."

Just now Xia Xiwan only thought that the long pain was better than the short pain, and said some cruel and unfeeling words, but she forgot that he could not be stimulated. All the improvement was an illusion, and his condition had been deteriorating.

Lu Yinyin once warned her that Lu Hanting, who was ill, was cruel to himself and others. It was dangerous for her to stay with him.

She also saw his video in the mental hospital. He was so gloomy and bloodthirsty that she couldn't control it.

So now he's pointing a gun at her.

Because he couldn't let her go.

"Lu Hanting, your behavior is very dangerous now. If you really hurt me, do you think about the consequences? Your life will be tainted."

"Wanwan, all this can not happen, you don't go, don't leave me, OK? I really Can't lose you, I beg you, OK

Xia Xiwan's nose is sour, and his heart aches and pains. He holds a gun and says the softest words to her with the most ruthless gesture. He is already begging her.

Please don't go.

He never had the word "Qiu" in his life dictionary. Later, she appeared and there was.

Xia Xiwan eyes a hot, those hot tears can no longer restrain, have fallen down, she nodded with tears, "good, then you shoot."

She turned and left.

She's gone?

She really left!

At this moment, Lu Hanting only felt that he was about to crack his heart. His heart was torn in two. He was so hurt that he couldn't keep her. No matter what method he used, she still wanted to leave him.

He gazed at the girl's slender figure, his slender fingers curled up slightly, and then slowly put down the gun hand.

He never wanted to hurt her.

How could he be willing to hurt her?

He was just scaring her to stay.

Lu Hanting felt that his life had lost all colors. It seemed that there was nothing worth his nostalgia, and that he could not live without her.


Xia Xiwan walked out a few steps, then suddenly heard a man's hoarse voice, she slowly stopped and turned around, "what else do you want to say, enough, don't pester me."

Lu Hanting stood there and looked at her. He drew a shallow and self mocking arc on his thin lips. "If I'm still alive, there's no way I don't want to pester you. I think I'll do anything to break your wings and imprison you around me. You said you would give me two babies. I always remember that maybe you are joking, but I'm serious 。”

Xia Xiwan's heart suddenly gave birth to a sense of panic, now he is very abnormal, as if the next second he will do something to himself.

Xia Xiwan looked at him and saw that his scarlet narrow eyes also fell on her face and locked her with a kind of extremely paranoid and morbid eyes.

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