Soon he closed his eyes. Xia Xiwan saw that there were some crystal clear tears falling down from inside. He looked at her and said softly, "wanwan, I will let you go, and I will not pester you any more. You must be happy."

With that, he raised his hand, put the black hole in his head, and then resolutely pulled the trigger.

Xia Xiwan sucked, and the whole person forgot to breathe. She shrieked, "ah, no!"

She pounced on him.

Time in such a moment is still, the ear quickly came a "bang" sound, the gun rang.

Summer evening line as if facing the abyss, suddenly paralyzed on the ground.

She was shaking and her teeth were shaking.

Two small hands picked the floor, and soon picked out two bloodstains. She looked up with tears and saw Lu's tall and upright body crashing down on the floor.

However, the shot did not hit him in the head, but deviated from the direction, because just at the critical moment, aunt Zhao came.

Aunt Zhao grabs Lu Hanting's hand, so the bullet is deflected. Then Aunt Zhao raises her hand with a knife and cuts it into the back of Lu's neck with one hand. Lu Hanting, who is in despair, is unprepared and is directly stunned.

Xia Xiwan climbed over with her hands and feet, and hugged the comatose Lu Hanting in her arms. She burst into tears.

Scared to death.

She was really scared to death just now.

It's just a little bit short.

She hugged him tightly in her arms, fearing that he would disappear. She hit him angrily with her fist. Mr. Lu, you are a madman!

"Miss Wan Wan, get up quickly and let me see if there is any injury." Aunt Zhao went to help Xia Xiwan.

Xia Xiwan didn't know how aunt Zhao could be so quick. She could sneak in on Lu Hanting. She just wanted to ask, but her throat was so sweet that she immediately vomited out a mouthful of blood.

"Miss Wan Wan, what's the matter with you?" Aunt Zhao was shocked.

Xia Xiwan knew that his time was up. Now he did not hesitate. It was a great opportunity for Lu Hanting to get a new life. "Aunt Zhao, please help me get Mr. Lu to bed."


Lu Hanting lies on the bed. Xia Xiwan reaches out to untie her coat and reveals the sling inside. She pricks the gold needle into her heart. Soon the blood in her heart turns into drops and drops of blood and rolls into Lu's mouth.

Slowly, Lu Hanting's pale, iron green and handsome face recovered his Qi and blood. Even his disordered pulse became peaceful. He breathed long and was already asleep.

Xia Xiwan pulled out the gold needle and succeeded. She finally cured him!

In the future, he will never have nightmares, will not be bothered by evil diseases, no one can bully him, no one can call him a neuropathy, he is OK.

He's all right!

She said she would save him!

"Miss Wan Wan, although I don't know what you are doing, you can have a rest. You are not looking well now." At this time, aunt Zhao stepped forward.

Xia Xiwan's small face is white like a ghost, her delicate body is crumbling, and she is about to fall down. "Aunt Zhao, I will rest later. I still have one thing to do."

"What's the matter?"

Xia Xiwan took out a pocket watch. She looked at the man's handsome face, even if it was a sick and weak body, but her bright eyes were full of twinkling stars. She was extremely upset. "I want to use hypnosis to take away his mind All my memories. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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