Aunt Zhao was shocked, "miss wanwan, why do you want to do this?"

"Because, I can only accompany him to come here, I don't want to leave him, so I can only let myself become the one who was left. I don't want him to hurt because of me, because of me. I want him to go to the imperial capital and start his new life." Xia Xiwan choked.

"But, in this way, my uncle will forget you, and I will meet many girls in the future. What if my uncle falls in love with others?"

Xia Xiwan has already thought that the road of life is still very long. He will meet a better girl than her in the future. He will fall in love with others.

As long as she thought of this, she was very sad, very jealous, sometimes selfish in thinking, he will always stay here, so that he will always belong to her.

"It doesn't matter. As long as the girl can love him wholeheartedly, there will always be someone to take my place, and many people will love him in the future. These days, Mr. Lu has given me enough, and I am very happy."


When Lord Lushi arrived, several jeeps sped all the way into the village. His low-key and luxurious style was his consistent style.

Lu Hanting is still in a coma. He has been hypnotized. Xia Xiwan has taken away all the memories about her.

"Miss Xia, how is ah Ting now?" Asked Lu sijue in a low voice.

Xia Xiwan can't stand now. She needs aunt Zhao's help. Her clear water eyes look at Lu Hanting who is sent to the back seat of the jeep. She whispers, "he is very well now and has gained a new life. Moreover, I have taken away his memory with hypnosis. He has no idea that I have been in his life."

Lu sijue, a man in black, has been standing at the top of the pyramid at the age of 50. The atmosphere is restrained and deep. The wind blows his black coat and his deep eyes can't see any emotion. "This time, Miss Xia, I've sent someone to erase everything about you in Haicheng. Since then, there's no such person as you in this world No one will mention you to ah ting. Even if there is not a word, he will have a good life. "

Summer evening Wan nods, "good."

Then she went forward, lowered her head into the back seat, stretched out her small hand and held Lu Hanting's handsome face. She gently kisses his forehead.

At this time, a hot tear fell down and hit Lu Hanting's eyes. His handsome eyelids moved, but he didn't wake up.

"Mr. Lu, you must be happy." The summer sunset is full of tears.

Lu sijue stood aside and waited without disturbing. He looked at the girl who got into the car and saw her kiss ah Ting's forehead and murmured goodbye to him.

Xia Xiwan retreated and said, "Uncle Lu, I will never see you again. Don't forget what you said to me. No matter how old he is now, he is a child who has not grown up in front of you. The original ecological family makes him cure his childhood all his life. His father's love is like a mountain. Love him well."

Lu sijue looked at her and said, "is there anything else?"

Xia Xiwan also thinks of your Lan Yuan's grandmother, but if you think about it, she won't mention it. Now that Lu Hanting is OK, grandma will be fine.

Xia Xiwan shook his head, "no more."

"Let's go." Lucifer gets on the bus.

"Wait a minute!" Xia Xiwan suddenly stopped him.

Lucifer stopped and turned.

Xia Xiwan eyes are tears, pale red lips trembled two times, she still did not resist, "she, is how a person?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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