Blue smoke also reached out to touch the small head of Xia Xiwan, "now Li Yanran is the school flower of T University, that is, they have not seen my wanwan. As soon as my home wanwan appears, that Li Yanran will stand aside, and this t-school flower must belong to wanwan!"

Xia Bang looks at Xia Xiwan, which is also the pride of my family's female initial growth. "That is, my wanwan doesn't know how many times more beautiful than that Li Yanran."

Xia Xiwan saw that their focus was deviated, and quickly coughed, "summer father, blue mother, let's hurry into t big bar."

"OK, let's go."

Three people got out of the car together and swaggered toward T. the security guard of t-big yelled at them as soon as he saw them coming, "no, no, no, Xia Bang is coming. Close the gate quickly, don't let them in!"

The security guard immediately closed the door, picked up the phone with trembling fingers, and dialed directly to the headmaster's office, "Deputy school Zhou, something is wrong. The devil of xiabang is coming!"

The president of T University is not in T University in recent years. Vice president Zhou is responsible for all affairs.

The three men were shut out by the gate of T University. All the security guards went out and stood inside staring at them.

Xia Xiwan blinked a long feather Jie, bright eyes looked at Xia bang in the past, "Xia PA, you don't mean Are you an old acquaintance with major T? This welcome ceremony is too Is it great? "

Xia Bang awkwardly exclaimed, "associate school Zhou and I are old friends. The last time t big produced a shameless scum, I drugged a subordinate's daughter, and a good girl's home was ruined. I took people into T and made a big scene. This week, deputy school came to argue, and I knocked him down with a fist. He was lying in the hospital for half a month..."

How could there be this one?

"Xia PA, you," Xia Xiwan gave a positive nod, "well done!"

Xia Bang didn't fall asleep last night. He was afraid that Xia Xiwan's affairs would be destroyed because of his reckless impulse. Now he got the affirmation of Xia Xiwan. He immediately showed his white teeth, "right, wanwan, I knew I didn't do anything wrong. It doesn't matter. This week's Deputy school was afraid of me, so he closed the door and didn't let me in. He thought he shouldn't be a small bellied person I'll just apologize when he comes

As soon as the voice dropped here, there was a string of footfalls coming. Associate school Zhou came with people in a hurry.

As soon as he saw Xia bang, he felt a pain in his nose. At that time, he almost broke the bridge of his nose with a fist. He was a literati and didn't like xiabang's Rogue style.

"Chapon, what are you doing here? Now we are strict with ourselves. We should not have offended you. Why do you come here again? " Asked Zhou.

Xia Bang stepped forward two steps, across a door, his voice was very loud, "Deputy school Zhou, I came to apologize to you, the last time that I was unintentionally lost, I invite you to dinner another day, now quickly open the door, I lost my daughter when I was a child, now I want to come to your T University to study."

Now, who else in the whole imperial capital does not know that Xia Bang has found her daughter. This daughter is still despised by her fiance Sun Jin, and she even withdraws from marriage. Everyone is waiting to see the joke. Unexpectedly, Xia Bang leads her daughter to the door of T University today.

Zhou's waist was straight up. He looked at Xia Xiwan beside LAN Yan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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