Xia Xiwan wore a veil today, and could not see his face clearly, but the pair of clear and bright pupils that were exposed outside were flickering and glowing.

Vice school Zhou ran into Xia Xiwan's clear eyes. His eyes were full of amazing and beautiful eyes. He seemed to have seen them somewhere.

But he couldn't remember.

He only knew that she was Xia Bang's daughter. The Xia family's women danced with swords and guns. She was sleepy when she saw books. Vice school Zhou didn't care about her background, so she came to see Xia Xiwan with colored glasses and prejudice.

"Xia bang, you think our T University is where, the vegetable market ah, want to come, our T University students are admitted by grades, I will not open the back door for you, you quickly take your daughter to leave here, don't make a joke!" Deputy Zhou checked the cold voice.

Xia Bang's face was also cold. He stretched out his big hand to grab the gate and glared at vice school Zhou. "Old man Zhou Ming, I'll give you a face, and you'll kick your nose on your face, right? Go and ask who I've apologized to. Open the door quickly. Today my daughter is going to study at T University. If you don't open the door, I'll take off your door!"

With that, Xia Bang pulled the gate and shook it twice. He was born with great strength. The iron gate creaked in his shaking, and all the alarms there went off.

associate school Zhou stepped back a few steps in fear and hid behind the security guard, "Xia Shabang, what are you doing? Don't mess with me

At this time, blue smoke came forward, she picked a thin eyebrow and looked at vice school Zhou. "Husband, don't talk nonsense with this old man. This broken door can't stop me. I'll fly in and catch him now!"

Zhou's face was white. His fingers trembled and he pointed to xiabang and blue smoke. Finally, he looked at the security guards, "protect me, protect me!"

Xia Xiwan didn't expect that she saw such a farce. She quickly and clearly said, "Xia PA, LAN Ma, forget it. I think vice school Zhou is determined and doesn't want me to enter the school. Let's go back first."

Xia Bang turned back, "wanwan, we miss T University. No one can stop me. I'll take you in. If you want to enter any class, we can take a stool directly. If you want to sit down, you can sit wherever you want. Whoever dares to talk nonsense, I will ask him out of T University directly!"

Inside, vice school Zhou shuddered. After running the school for so many years, he first met a person like Xia bang, who even crammed himself into the class with a stool.

Vice school Zhou also more and more do not like Xia Xiwan, this father and daughter certainly a temperament.

Xia Xiwan was about to laugh. She was defeated by Xia Bang's divine logic. She took LAN Yan's arm and said, "Lan Ma, let's not make trouble. We'll fight against each other, and think of another way."

Blue smoke this just retreated a step, "husband, listen to wanwan."

Xia Bang glared at vice school Zhou. The effect of his eyes is that you will regret it. He returned to Xia Xiwan and said, "wanwan, let's change to a medical university. Go to a university. I really have friendship with Wu School of a university."

LAN Yan quickly denied, "no, in the medical universities of the imperial capital, T University ranks the first, and a university ranks the bottom. There are some rich second-generation people living in the city. The atmosphere is bad and the reputation is bad. If wanwan enters the bottom a university, he will be laughed to death by others."

Xia Xiwan but smile, "OK, I will enter a university."


Xia Bang LAN Yan went to a university with Xia Xiwan. Wu School of a university warmly received them, "Xia university is the leader. Our a university warmly welcomes Qian Jin. In recent years, t is not here. Vice school Zhou is more and more arrogant. I think that makes Qianjin smart and talented."

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