Sun Jin called out, everyone's eyes were "brush" at the past, there is humanity, "this is not Sun Shao, how do you find us a big come, who is the summer clown eight strange?"

A these rich young men know Sun Jin, and occasionally play together.

Sun Jin thought about the name of the eight clowns in the Xia family. "Isn't that clown eight monster of the Xia family enrolled in the school today, are you a big? Call her out and say that Mr. Sun is looking for her. What's her name In summer. "

Summer sunset?

People can't believe that a suction, Sun Jin looking for their new school flower, fairy?

"Sun Shao, are you really looking for Xia Xiwan? There is something wrong with your eyes. Xia Xiwan is ugly. She is a fairy



Sun Jin laughed. What little fairies can Xia family give birth to?

"Have you never seen a fairy? If you haven't, I suggest you go next door to see my cousin Li Yanran. OK, wash your eyes well." Sun Jin sneered mercilessly.

At this time, a soft voice sounded, "Sun Jin, do you want me?"

Sun Jin looked up and saw a delicate figure coming out of the crowd in front of him, and Xia Xiwan came out.


Sun Jin's pupil shrank, and the whole person was frozen in place. He was shocked to see the girl with a delicate temperament, a fairy!

He really saw a fairy!

She Is she the summer clown?

Sun Jin's friends from the rich families were also stunned. They were supposed to watch jokes, but Xia Xiwan burst into their eyes. Now she looks at them with a pair of clear and bright pupils. She looks at them calmly and calmly, and almost sucks their souls.

They have never seen a girl with such a wonderful temperament.

Depend on Sun Shao, you didn't tell us that the little daughter of Xia family is a fairy.

Sun Shao, what luck have you got? Fiancee's beauty is so high.

Even if Li Yan Ran stands here, also becomes inferior.

Sun Jin felt that the people behind him were too noisy, "you all shut up!"

With that, Sun Jin looked at Xia Xiwan. His fiancee changed from a clown to a fairy. It was like a dream. He wanted to hook up his lips, but he tried to hold back. He said in a loud voice, "yes, I'm looking for you. You are My fiancee? "

"It used to be, but not now." Xia Xiwan replied.

"What do you mean?"

Xia Xiwan had a jade bracelet in her little white hand. She gave it back to Sun Jin. "You came just in time. I'm going to find you. This is the keepsake of sun Xia's engagement. Now I'll give it back to you. We've broken the engagement. Don't come back to me again."


Sun Jin was just so happy in his heart that Xia Xiwan was so beautiful that he was willing to give up his marriage. However, he didn't expect Xia Xiwan to throw down a basin of cold water and give his marriage back first.

So, is it he who was divorced?

Sun Jin glared at Xia Xiwan, "you What do you mean? If you dare to withdraw my marriage, I don't agree with you. It doesn't count if you say it! "

Xia Xiwan looks at Sun Jin. He doesn't want to get married again?

Xia Xiwan hooked a red lip, the slender feather Jie blinked twice, "are you so angry that you are divorced, or don't want to quit?"

"I Of course, I am angry that you have withdrawn my marriage. If you want to, I can only withdraw you. I want to terminate the engagement! "

"Oh," Xia Xiwan nodded, "I agree." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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