“…” Only then did Sun Jin realize that he was surrounded by her. He took the initiative to admit that he had retired.

"Sun Shao, it's fair now. You give me a refund, and I'll give you a refund. We'll be free again. These are all witnesses on the scene." Xia Xiwan said with a smile.

At this time, the students of a university nodded and agreed, "yes, we are all ID cards. Our fairy girl school flower is back single. Long live single, and we will have a chance in the future."

"Sun Shao, play slowly. I'll go first." Xia Xiwan did not look at Sun Jin any more and left directly.

Looking at the girl's delicate figure, Sun Jin was so angry that he vomited blood. This was his second confrontation with Xia Xiwan, and he was KO again.


On the other side, Li Yanran looks at Xia Xiwan's delicate and beautiful figure. She finds that the temperament of the two people is a bit similar. However, Xia Xiwan's temperament is very smart. Whether it's the exquisite figure or the milk white delicate muscle, she is better than her. Compared with Xia Xiwan, she is a bit like a low matching version.

Li Yanran heart bell big dry, the girl's hostility and the sense of crisis come so quickly and accurately, she doesn't like summer sunset.

"Brother Han Ting." At this time, Li Yan Ran called Lu Hanting.

Lu Hanting has been staring at Xia Xiwan. Naturally, she watched the wonderful play all the way. She turned out to be Xia's daughter, Sun Jin's fiancee.

At Li Yanran's birthday party yesterday, Sun Jin was also on the other end of the phone. She was silent and had no power to resist.

Hearing the voice of Li Yanran, Lu Hanting withdrew his eyes and looked at Li Yanran faintly, "is school over? Get in the car

His manner is very thin, a fine handsome face does not show any emotion at all.

Li Yanran was very jealous in his heart. He never looked at himself with that kind of eyes. However, she didn't dare to be petty in front of this man, so she obediently got on the front passenger seat, "brother Hanting, let's go."

"Yes." Lu Han Ting stepped on the gas pedal.

Xia Xiwan took two steps to find the Rolls Royce phantom luxury car in front of her, passing by face-to-face.

Xia Xiwan stopped and saw Lu Hanting in the driver's seat clearly through the front windshield. Today, he is wearing a black shirt and looks like a jade. He has not seen him more expensive in three months. His actions and actions are arrogant, which makes people feel excited.

She hasn't seen him for a long time. In the morning, she chased him and lost him. Now she meets him head-on. Her bright eyes fall on his handsome face and can't move away any more.

Rolls Royce phantom luxury car did not stop, passing her.

Xia Xiwan didn't move for a long time. Her eyes were chasing his car. She knew that he had already had a beautiful flower around him, and the co driver's seat was no longer hers.

Beside him, there was no place for her.

Xia Xiwan's heart aches and her white eyes turn red.

Lu Hanting is driving, but he looks at the girls behind him quietly through the rearview mirror. There are always women around him. He can see that those women adore him.

So why does she look at herself like this?

Love that can't be hidden.

When her figure disappeared, Lu Hanting withdrew his eyes, and his protruding man's throat rolled up and down twice.

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