Xia Xiaohua was originally Sun Shao's fiancee, but Sun Shao was arguing for his retirement Well, we sympathize.

Summer school flower suddenly appeared, this imperial school flower list to be mercilessly washed?

Summer school flower this beauty, other colleges and universities have no competitiveness, the remaining only T University Flower Top Li Yanran, do you guess summer school flower can force the first beauty of our imperial capital?

Li Yanran quickly opened the school flower list, the school flower list has been shuffled, Xia Xiwan as a big school flower has directly jumped to the second place in the list.

Sometimes a beautiful face is the strength that others can't work hard at!

However, Li Yanran is still in the top 1 position, pressing the summer evening line.

However, the netizens at the bottom have been quarrelling with each other, and the beauty temperament of these two people is not a problem?

The list of school flowers needs to examine the comprehensive strength. Xia Xiwan was shut out by T University, so he was admitted to a university. The flower of a university is the biggest joke of this year?

On beauty, I also vote for Yanran baby.

Now the voice of large areas of the network is still inclined to Li Yanran. Li Yanran is tall, has a good family background, and has accumulated many years of contacts. But Xia Xiwan has just come to the imperial capital, she can't impact Li Yanran's position in everyone's mind, so her top 1 position is very stable.

Li Yan Ran turned off the mobile phone, she still didn't put Xia Xiwan in the eyes, a wild girl who didn't know from which corner didn't deserve to be her opponent.


The next morning.

Xia Xiwan came to a university and entered class 2 of traditional Chinese medicine. Fan Tian quickly handed over a bottle of fresh milk. "Wanwan, someone came to deliver breakfast early this morning. It's all thanks to you. We have never received such kind of courtesy. Now we are all famous."

Xia Xiwan took the fresh milk, put the straw in and took a drink. She said with a smile, "Tian Tian, we are all a-big, sharing weal and woe."

Today, Xia Xiwan doesn't wear a veil. She has already shown her true face. Fan Tian is a bit crazy when she looks at her juelian face. She really takes a good look at Xia Xiaohua.

"Wanwan, you are No.2 in the school flower list, but you haven't defeated Li Yanran, the top 1 of T University. In fact, you must have crushed her in terms of her appearance, but because we are a big, we all have a color eye on us." Fan Tian was indignant.

Xia Xiwan is not interested in these, she took fan Tian's hand, "Tian Tian, let's go into the classroom."


They were just about to enter the classroom when a man suddenly came across, Sun Jin.

Sun Jin is still wearing yesterday's clothes. He spent the whole night in the bar, smelling of wine. The whole person looked decadent and gloomy.

Now he stares at Xia Xiwan with fierce eyes.

Fan Tian quickly blocked in front of Xia Xiwan Sun Shao, what are you doing? You'd better not mess around, or I'll call someone else. "

"Tiantian, it's OK. Take it easy." Xia Xiwan, on the contrary, pulls fan Tian behind her. Her bright Jian Tong looks at Sun Jin, "Sun Shao, what can I do for you?"

Sun Jin strode over. He took out something from his arms and handed it to Xia Xiwan. "This is the steamed bun I bought for you. I held it in my arms all the way. It's still hot. Please eat it."

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