Fan Tian suddenly opened her mouth wide. She was shocked to see the Playboy brother Sun Jin. Did he Have you got wind in your head?

He even bought steamed buns for Xia Xiwan and sent them all the way in his arms. This is not his way of doing things.

Xia Xiwan feather Jie shudders, and her bright eyes look at Sun Jin, "Sun Shao, thank you for your steamed stuffed bun. I have taken good intentions, but I can't accept them."

Sun Jin has had many girlfriends, but he has never been so kind to a girl. Now he has been rejected.

"Xia Xiwan, why don't you accept my steamed buns? I was wrong in the past. From now on, I will officially pursue you!" Sun Jin expressed his innocence.

Xia Xiwan, "..."

At this time, a cough sounded. It was Wu school coming. Wu School looked at Sun Jin, "Sun Shao, our class time is coming. If you have any words, please talk to Xia after school."

Sun Jin firmly looked at Xia Xiwan, "Xia Xiwan, I'm not talking about fun. If you remember my words, I must chase you to your hand!"

With that, Sun Jin left.

After leaving the school gate of a university, several rich sons surrounded Sun Jin.

rely on Sun Shao. What's your situation? Why did you come to find Xia Xiaohua early in the morning?

Sun Shao, who are you going to give the steamed stuffed bun to Send breakfast to summer school flowers in person?

Sun Jin put the steamed stuffed bun in his hand to a childe. He spent the night in the bar last night. What he could not forget was Xia Xiwan's delicate and beautiful face. He was sure that he was fascinated by her.

In fact, before she took off her veil, he was moved, but because of his own face and unwilling to admit it, he would find her trouble.

Sun Jin is now sure of his intention. He wants to pursue Xia Xiwan and let such a delicate fairy be his wife.

She was his fiancee, and he wanted to vomit blood when he thought that the engagement was lost.

"You guessed correctly, I am to send breakfast to Xia Xiwan. From now on, I will put down my words. I want to pursue Xia Xiwan. Xia Xiwan is my favorite. You'd better not bully her or make her ideas!" Sun Jin swore sovereignty.

These rich young men immediately became excited,

Sun Shao, are you really playing?

I think it's hard to catch this summer school flower. You've been so unhappy before. She won't promise you.

Sun got into his own sports car and confidently dropped a sentence, "you wait and see."


Xia Xiwan and fan Tian return to the classroom. Fan Tian is surprised and says, "my God, Wan Wan, I think this Sun Shao is playing real. He really wants to pursue you."

The other students in the class had been around the window for a long time and saw what happened just now. People said in succession,

Xi Wan, that Sun Shao is a playboy brother. You should not be cheated by him!

But it's really funny to see Sun Shao general carry the steamed stuffed bun in his arms all the way. He also has today.

Xi Wan, you are the flower of our a-big school. We are a handsome man like clouds. Fat water doesn't flow into the field. Even if you want to find a boyfriend, you should look for it in our school.

Xia Xiwan sat on the chair and took out her book. She didn't expect that Sun Jin's rotten peach blossom had blossomed on her. Of course, she would not agree.


At this time, Wu School heavily coughed twice and came in. He scolded, "didn't you hear the bell? What's wrong with your ears? Get back to your seat , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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