In fact, he is used to it. His life has always been like this.

But now, his life has undergone earth shaking changes, he never dare to think, as if grandma got better overnight, in the kitchen bathed in the sun, all he heard was laughter, and The girl groaned and groaned.

Lu Hanting's heart slowly softened, soft to inconceivable, he locked his eyes on the delicate figure of Xia Xiwan. Is it all because of her arrival?

Why do people around him like her so much?

Grandma, Xiao Yuanyuan and even Wu Ma are indifferent to Li Yanran, but they all like her so much.

At this time, the old lady turned her head and saw Lu Hanting standing outside the door. She quickly waved, "ah Ting, you got up. Today you can get up late. Did you go to bed late last night?"

Lu Hanting came down.

Xia Xiwan's side head, bright and watery Jian Tong looked at him in the past.

Lu Hanting is also looking at her.

Four eyes face each other, thinking of the story happened last night, Xia Xiwan first moved his eyes, did not look at him.

Lu Hanting also took back his sight. He went to the old lady's side and squatted on the ground. "Grandma, how do you come down to bask in the sun today? Usually you don't come down."

The old lady patted Lu Hanting's big hand, "that's because wanwan said that it's good for my health to bask in the sun more, so I came down. Oh, yes, I haven't introduced it to you. This is Xia Xiwan, the beautiful cook I invited back. You can call her wanwan."

The old lady solemnly introduced.

Wu Ma quickly said with a smile, "I think wanwan is a little cook, but the beautiful cook is more right. Which cook has the beauty of my family, young master, do you think so?"

Listening to the two masters and servants singing and singing here, Lu Hanting's deep narrow eyes fell on Xia Xiwan's body again. He knew she was coming to climb his bed, but he didn't expect that she would really cook.

For example, Li Yanran is ten fingers do not touch the Yangchun water, last night she took Wu Ma prepared a nutritious meal to please him, he did not expose.

Xia Xiwan looks like she is only about 20 years old. Now, girls of such a young age seldom cook.

As for beauty or not

She is beautiful.

He was very moved by his delicate and beautiful face.

Didn't she try to seduce him just because she was beautiful and beautiful?

Lu Hanting pursed thin lips for a while, "since grandma likes it, let her stay."

The old lady was very happy. "Ah Ting, don't forget to pay the salary to wanwan, who can also do medical skills. I was given a needle last night. I felt refreshed this morning. The doctor and the cook's work were all done by wanwan. You should pay him according to the most expensive remuneration in the world."

Lu Hanting nodded, "I know."

"Wu Ma, you push me out to get some air. It's a nice day today." The old lady called Wu Ma at the right time, and the two people backed out to let the space out.


Seeing that grandma and Wu Ma are gone, Lu Hanting came to Xia Xiwan's back with one hand in his trouser pocket. He said in a low voice, "although I don't know what method you have used to please my grandmother and Wu Ma, you'd better not make any small moves under my eyes. If I find out that you use them, I will make you disappear immediately, understand? ”

"what's up?" Xia Xiwan raised his bright eyes and looked at him, "I said last night that I don't want to hook you up, so you don't want to disturb yourself and be amorous." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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