Lu Hanting originally wanted to warn her with a small threat and let her settle down here. How could he know that she actually choked him.

Her little mouth is really have the gift of the gab.

Lu Hanting's eyes quickly glanced at her rosy Ling lips, and then frowned his heroic eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "are you looking for death?"

"Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you!" Xia Xiwan picked up the delicate willow eyebrow and glared at him provocatively, "if you dare to bully me again, I'll tell your grandmother, and let your grandmother teach you a good lesson!"


"What are you? Do you dare to bully me? Come on." Xia Xiwan's delicate body directly bullies him, stands on tiptoe and puts a small face with red lips and white teeth in front of him, which is really bold.

Lu Hanting's straight body was stiff. When the two people were so close, she almost spat out the orchid at him. His mind was full of pictures of him kissing her when she was asleep last night.

Lu Han Ting's throat rolled for a moment, his voice was already low and hoarse, "you stay away from me!"

Then he turned and left.

Xia Xiwan looked at his graceful back, as if he wanted to stay away from her, and then further away. She was a monster. He really hated her so much.


The old lady began to eat. She ate a small half bowl of millet porridge in the morning. Xia Xiwan didn't let her eat much. She had to follow the acupuncture therapy to slowly increase the amount of food. In this way, she could get twice the result with half the effort.

After settling down the old lady, Xia Xiwan picked up her bag. "Grandma, Wu Ma, I'll go first. I'll come back earlier in the evening."

"Well, ah Ting, aren't you going to the company, too? Would you like to drop off the appointment on the way?" Said the old lady.

Grandma ate, everything became better, Lu Hanting swept the haze of the morning, in a good mood, he can give her a ride

However, Xia Xiwan refused, "no, grandma, Mr. Lu sent me to school, which was too swaggering. When that time came, I couldn't tell you anything about the scandal. I left by myself, 88."

Xia Xiwan left the villa and left.

Lu Hanting Jun's face sank. He wanted to make her calm and calm. He didn't want to seduce him any more. But seeing her refuse to send her to school, he was afraid of any scandal, and tried to put aside the distance between the two people. He was still very upset and depressed.

"Grandma, I'm gone too." Lu Hanting took the car key and went out.

Rolls Royce phantom luxury car drove out, to the busy street, Lu Hanting in the driver's seat looked through the polished glass window, subconsciously looking for the delicate figure.

Soon he found it, and Xia Xiwan was in front of him.

However, she was not alone. A dazzling red sports car was parked beside her. Sun Jin pushed a bunch of roses to her.

Lu Han Ting suddenly narrowed his narrow eyes. He stepped on the gas pedal, and Rolls Royce phantom luxury car sped by two people.

Xia Xiwan was supposed to go to school. She didn't know where Sun Jin came from, so she gave her a bunch of red roses.

"Sun Shao, I have made it very clear that we have terminated our engagement. I don't like you either. I hope you don't waste time on me." Xia Xiwan refused.

Sun Jin was infatuated with Xia Xiwan's face. He never gave up and said, "Xi Wan, I have said that from now on, I want to pursue you. I believe that one day you will see my heart, and you will..."

Before Sun Jin's words were finished, Lu Hanting's Rolls Royce phantom luxury car suddenly galloped and shuttled away, throwing dust on his face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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