There are many famous ladies around Xia Xiaodie's side, admiring and flattering. Xia Xiaodie's beautiful face is so happy that she can drip honey.

At this time, Xia Xiaodie saw Xia Xiwan, and she quickly stepped forward, "Xi Wan, are you here? Just now I was worried that you would not come and I would not be able to witness my happy moment with my own eyes. "

Those famous ladies also came over,

Xiaodie, you are too kind-hearted. Xia Xiwan was su Shao's fiancee before. If you invite her here, are you afraid that she will be jealous and ruin the scene?

She Xia Xiwan has married the Ghost Husband in Youlan garden, and the ghost husband doesn't know how to torture her. Maybe one day she will become a widow when her eyes are closed. This is really different from people's lives. The earth bumpkin from the countryside can never compare with the real lady. We Xiaodie is already Mrs. Su Shao.

Su Shao's vision is good. He has abandoned the bunny for a long time. Su Shao and our little butterfly are a pair of golden children and jade maidens.

Listening to this singing, Xia Xiaodie looked at those people angrily, "don't say Xi Wan like this. In fact, Xi Wan is pitiful enough."

Xia Xiwan is watching these people perform. She is not angry, but she thinks it is very funny. It is the instinct of villains to follow the trend. Now Xia Xiaodie has become the fiancee of Suxi, one of the four famous families. The wedding in this prosperous age also shows that Suxi loves her, so she has the capital of pride.

Xia Xiaodie's eagerness to let her attend the engagement party is to embarrass her.

At this time, Li Yulan also came over. Recently, Li Yulan and Xia Zhenguo had a bad relationship. They were very upset. However, her daughter's engagement to Suxi brought her great honor. Therefore, Li Yulan is also radiant today. She is dressed in a custom-made cheongsam and covered with sea blue fur, which makes her elegant and elegant.

"Xiwan, you are here. Today, Xiaodie is engaged to all the celebrities in Haicheng. Don't you want to get involved and get to know everyone? Xiaodie, you take Xiwan to know more people, so as to avoid someone secretly buying high imitation clothes to wear, and with a pathetic look on her face, she said that we would not play with her

Li Yulan has a deep mind, and her speech is also to the point. When she is about to give Xia Xiwan that day at Xia Xiaodie's birthday party, she makes a big fuss.

Today is different from the past, when Xia Xiaodie was only the daughter of Xia family. Now Xia Xiaodie is Su Xi's fiancee. Li Yulan is relying on the arrogance given by the Su family to step on the summer sunset.

Sure enough, those rich ladies are far away from Xia Xiwan.

Mrs. Xia, our daughters are all famous women. Those who come back from the countryside don't flatter us. We won't take her to play.

Xia Xiwan is isolated, and all the people in this engagement party are not kind to her.

Summer evening wan light smile, these situations with her expected is not bad, since she dares to come, will not care about these.

After all, the real show hasn't started yet.

Some people only climb higher, will fall more miserable.

"Su Shao, Congratulations!"

Then Susie came.

Xia Xiwan looks up at Su Xi.

Today, Susie is wearing a black suit, white shirt and tie inside. She is a handsome and gentle man. She is more beautiful today.

Xia Xiaodie quickly went to take Suxi's arm and swore sovereignty. She said in a sweet voice, "brother Suxi, Xiwan is coming. She has come to wish us happiness."

Sushi had noticed the movement here for a long time. Naturally, he took all the malice of Xia Xiwan from the bottom of his eyes. He looked at Xia Xiwan and hooked his thin lips. "What about the man you like? Why didn't he come to protect you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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