Xia Xiwan's clear Jian Tong looks at Su Xi, and says in full view of the public, "you are right. I have seen his true face. He is a scum man. Now I think of your good, Suxi, or, today you don't want to be engaged to Xia Xiaodie, OK?"

As soon as the words fell, the whole room sucked.

We are shocked to see Xia Xiwan, what is she doing, grab Marriage?

Xia Xiaodie's face changed greatly and quickly scolded, "Xia Xiwan, what are you doing? This is my engagement banquet with brother Suxi. Don't destroy it!"

Su Xi's pupil shrank. She didn't expect Xia Xiwan to say such a thing. For ten years, she was so beautiful and stubborn that she never asked him for peace.

Susie stepped forward.

Xia Xiaodie immediately pulled Sushi's sleeve and refused to let him go, "brother Suxi, you should not be cheated by Xia Xiwan. She is on purpose. She wants to seduce you!"

Suxi took his sleeve from Xia Xiaodie's hand and came to Xia Xiwan's face. He looked at her and said, "is that true?"

Everyone looked at each other, and now the situation is very obvious. As long as Xia Xiwan nods, the groom to be will follow.

Xia Xiaodie pinches her nails into the palm of her hand, and her eyes begin to turn red.

Xia Xiwan looked at sushi and suddenly laughed, "Su Shao, I made a joke with you. Don't take it seriously."


People are in uproar, Xia Xiwan's joke is too big.

Susie's eyes suddenly became cold. She was playing with him!

Xia Xiwan's smiling eyes fell on Xia Xiaodie's red eyes. "What's the matter? I just played a joke with you at the engagement party. What's your expression? Xiaodie, why do you seem to cry?"

Said Xia Xiwan raised his hand and tucked a wisp of hair on his cheek behind his ears, "don't worry, I'm not a garbage collection station, I play the rest, you can do whatever you like."

Listen to this

People gaped at the atmosphere of two meters eight summer evening line, she is not crazy, how dare to say!

"You Xia Xiaodie is going mad.

When the atmosphere of the scene became embarrassed and depressed, Xia Zhenguo quickly stood up and said, "well, the auspicious time has come, and the engagement ceremony has officially begun. Su Shao, didn't you prepare a romantic proposal for Xiaodie?"

The crowd clapped and agreed to the proposal! Propose! Propose!

Suxi took back his cold eyes, in the whole audience, he took a bunch of flowers, and slowly knelt down in front of Xia Xiaodie.

The embarrassing and strange scene finally covered the past. Xia Zhenguo looked at Xia Xiwan angrily and warned in a low voice, "Xiwan, there can be no accident at the engagement banquet between Xiaodie and Su Shao today. You'd better settle down for me, or..."

"Otherwise, how about sending me back to the countryside? Dad, you seem to forget that I have been sold by you, and sold to you Lan Yuan to Chongxi. "

Xia Zhenguo a stiff, "you

Xia Xiaodie is jealous and hateful in her heart, but in Li Yulan's eyes, she quickly clears up her emotions.

Now Suxi kneels on one knee in front of her. In this gorgeous engagement, she is always the leading role. In any case, she will become the little grandmother of the Su family.

When she married into the Su family, she would have a way to deal with this summer evening!

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