At this time, lying on the bed of Xia Xiwan suddenly opened his eyes.

Wang Zong a Leng, is not to say good medicine, not to say to sleep on two hours, how to wake up now?

"Little beauty, why do you How did you wake up? "

Xia Xiwan's bright Jian Tong overflows a bit of cunning and playful smile, "if I don't wake up, how can I see such a wonderful play?"


Xia Xiwan stretched out his hand to brush, Wang always felt that he smelled a strange smell. Soon, his body became soft and collapsed on the carpet directly.

Wang Zong's hands and feet are tied up with hemp rope. He can't make a little strength all over. He can only look at the Xia Xiwan with his smiling face at the moment, "Xiao Little beauty, what do you want to play? Why don't you let me go and have a good time. "

Xia Xiwan carried delicate willow eyebrows, a pair of innocent simple appearance of human and animal, "Mr. Wang, what do you think this is?"

Wang always a look, Xia Xiwan hands more than two flesh bones, "you What do you do with meat bones

"Wolf king, you don't like the big dog very much

Mr. Wang is a colored stick. He has been salivating for a long time for Xia Xiwan. A native from the countryside married a living dead man. Isn't that what he wants to play with?

But now Wang always looked at Xia Xiwan, even his scalp felt numb and couldn't stop shivering, "you What on earth do you want to do? "

Xia Xiwan small hands down, and then put the two bones into Mr. Wang's pants, "Mr. Wang, the game begins, oh, later that big wolf dog will come in, you should be careful, don't let the wolf dog bite the wrong place, bite his own lifeline."

"No, little beauty, Auntie and granny, I'm wrong, you let me go quickly It's too damaging. It's not a joke. It's going to kill you... " Wang was so scared that he would kneel down to Xia Xiwan if he could.

At this time, Xia Xiwan went over and opened the door of the room. The big wolf dog sniffed the meat and ran in at once.


Mr. Wang screamed repeatedly.


Li Yulan is waiting for the good news downstairs. At this time, the door of the room upstairs is suddenly opened. Mr. Wang, who is carrying his pants, runs down in great confusion.

Li Yulan was surprised, "Mr. Wang, what's the matter with you?"

Mr. Wang was so scared that his tears came down. He smashed the flesh bone on Li Yulan's body and said ferociously, "Li Yulan, it's all your good deeds. I'm not finished with you!"

Wang ran away in anger and fear.

What's going on?

Li Yulan quickly went upstairs and entered the room.

In the room, Xia Xiwan is sitting on the chair and enjoying tea. She raises her eyes, and her bright Jian pupil falls on Li Yulan's shocked face, "Auntie, are you here?"

Xia Xiwan has been waiting for her!

Li Yulan was surprised. She knew that the matter had been revealed, but it was impossible. Xia Xiwan ate the bird's nest with medicine in front of her face.

Which link went wrong?

"Xia Xiwan, you knew that there was something wrong with that bowl of bird's nest. You're just scheming, aren't you?" Li Yulan asked.

Xia Xiwan hook lip sneer, "I want to see what extent your means can go down. You really didn't let me down."

Li Yulan snorted and tore her face, and her eyes flashed with venomous light. "Just now Mr. Wang left angrily. Now I will take you to Mr. Wang's bed and make amends to him! Come on

"Yes, ma'am."

Five or six bodyguards in black came quickly, all of them were fierce.

"Xia Xiwan, these bodyguards are hired by me with high salary. Can you beat them?"

Xia Xiwan a pair of Jian pupil suddenly become cold, she is waiting here, still with fear?

"Come on, get her for me!"

Li Yulan orders, a bodyguard has flashed in front of Xia Xiwan, and directly reaches out to catch her.

The small hand of summer evening line quietly put in his waist

But the next second, there was a big hand with distinct bony joints, which clasped the bodyguard's wrist and folded it gently.

With a click, the bodyguard's hand was broken.

Then the bodyguard who broke his hand was pushed back by a strong force, and several bodyguards suddenly fell to the ground.

Xia Xiwan quickly raised his eyes, and a tall and upright body burst into the sight. Lu Hanting came.

"Why did you come?" Xia Xiwan is surprised.

Lu Hanting had no emotional waves, his voice was low and magnetic, "it seems that I missed a good play."

Li Yulan didn't expect that someone would suddenly break into Xia's house. She looked at the man beside Xia Xiwan. The man in white and black trousers was tall and handsome. Just now, he was sharp and sharp, and his whole body was hard to hide his ascetic indifference and coolness.

As Mrs. Xia, Li Yulan is familiar with the upper circle of Haicheng. She has never seen such a figure.Just now Xiaodie told her that Xia Xiwan had a little white face. Was that him?

"Xia Xiwan, is this your little white face?"

Little white face?

Hearing these three words, Lu Hanting frowned his heroic eyebrows. He looked at Xia Xiwan and said, "little white face, what did you tell her?"

Summer evening Wan waist pole a stick, small hand a swing, "wronged ah, I can not say anything."

Li Yulan can't wait. "What are you doing? A little white face can't deal with it. Hurry up."

Some bodyguards want to come forward, but Lu Hanting gently raised his eyelids and looked down upon them, "fight with me, you?"

The bodyguards only felt palpitation and fled.

Lu Hanting looked at Xia Xiwan, "stay for dinner? It's gone. "

"Oh, good."

Xia Xiwan quickly chased Lu Hanting and left.

Li Yulan was trembling with anger. She had never seen such an arrogant little white face. She was a soft eater. She was like a big man in a high position. She still came and went freely in her summer home.

It's a long life series.

Her high paid bodyguards all ran away, and Li Yulan could only watch them go.

Before leaving, Xia Xiwan said in her ear, "today's things, I will remember."


In the luxury car, Xia Xiwan looks at the man around him. He looks attentive and elegant. He can't find any trace of the fight just now.

At this time, Lu Hanting's side eyes looked over, "if I didn't go, what would you do?"

Xia Xiwan hook lip, "fight, I will, if you don't go, I can clean them up."

Lu Hanting remembers her information. She was rejected and bullied by all the children when she was nine years old. She was called a wild child without father and mother.

The fight was probably practiced at that time. With her medical skills, she was able to solve the scar man calmly on the train. Naturally, these bodyguards were not a problem.

"Girls don't fight. It's a man's business to fight."

"I don't like to rely on others, but I really thank you just now, Mr. Lu."

Looking at her sincere thanks to the eyes, Lu Hanting picked a sword eyebrow, "you so thank?"

Xia Xiwan a Leng, "then how do you want me to thank you?"

Lu Hanting's eyes fell from her bright Jian Tong Tong to her red lips covered by the veil, "the way women thank men, don't you understand?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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