What does he mean?

His eyes wantonly fell on her red lips, which seemed to have implied something. The best way for a woman to thank a man is to blow a kiss.

Xia Xiwan heart suddenly a jump, white ear lobes have been burning red, "do not understand."

Then she turned her head and looked out of the window, ignoring him.

Lu Hanting watched her escape. She was intelligent, smart and independent. She didn't rely on others and would not trust her heart easily. However, the 19-year-old girl was really a piece of white paper in love, and could not stand a little teasing from men.

When the red light came, the luxury car stopped, and Xia Xiwan was lying in the window and saw the most famous cake shop in Haicheng.

"Want a cake?" Lu Hanting's low voice sounded in his ear.

Summer evening Wan Cheng bright eyes revealed a bit of sadness, she whispered, "my mother used to take me to that shop to buy cakes."

Lu Han Ting turned the steering wheel and stopped at the side of the road, "if you want to buy it."


This cake shop is a time-honored brand in Haicheng. It is especially popular in the celebrity circle. It is sold in limited quantity every day.

Xia Xiwan likes to eat cake since she was a child. Her mother often brings her here to buy cake. It was the best time in my memory.

Ten years, Xia Xiwan has not been here for ten years.

Her eyes were a little red, but she didn't want the men around her to see, "that Wait for me first. I'll go to the bathroom

She went to wash her face.

Lu Hanting looks at the girl's disappearing pretty shadow. Just now he has seen her crying. It's really a little girl who hasn't grown up.

He walked into the cake shop with long legs.

Coincidentally, Xia Xiaodie is also in the cake shop, and her best friend Kong zhen'er.

Kong zhen'er pulled Xia Xiaodie, "Xiaodie, you said that the earth bag of Xia Xiwan raised a small white face just now. Is it true or false?"

Xia Xiaodie sneered contemptuously, "of course, it's true. I saw it with my own eyes. That little white face drove Xia Xiwan home."

"Now Xiao Bai Lian is very expensive. Xia Xiwan has just come back from the countryside. Where can I afford to raise her?"

Xia Xiaodie said, "Xiaobai Lian is just a cowherd. The cowherd is also graded. Like those excellent ones, they are handsome, with good figure and excellent skills in bed. A night is worth a thousand dollars..."

At this time, a deep magnetic voice came from the ear, "store manager, give me a cake."

It's a very nice voice, too.

Xia Xiaodie and Kong zhener's eyes are attracted to the past, and they suddenly see Lu Hanting.

Now Lu Hanting stands tall and upright at the counter, dressed in a white shirt and black trousers, tall and long legs, super model body. Standing here, you can see the light.

God, this man is so handsome.

Kong zhen'er has already looked crazy. She quietly pulls Xia Xiaodie's sleeve. "Xiaodie, this man is the best we just said?"

He is handsome, has a good figure and excellent kung fu

Xia Xiaodie has never seen such a handsome man. They all say that the best hanger for a man is the superposition of power, wealth and status. Lu Hanting's ascetic elegance and luxury make him the best looking man in white shirt and black trousers.

Xia Xiaodie is very excited.

At this time, Kong zhen'er said in a low voice, "little butterfly, do you think that little white face raised by Xia Xiwan is like this man?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Xia Xiaoya stared at the toy boy. "Poor woodlouse like Xia Xi Jie, the little white face she raised was the lowest in rank. She was ugly and fat. If she could wrap it up and raise it, I would call her a Graunt."

Xia Xiaodie will never believe in Xia Xiwan Bao. The little white face raised by her is the best man in front of her.

At this time, the store manager was very sorry and said, "excuse me, sir. The last cake has been bought by the two ladies. Today's cake has been sold out. You can buy it earlier tomorrow."

The last cake was bought by Xia Xiaodie.

The nominated Xia Xiaodie's heart pounded. She quickly stepped forward and looked at Lu Hanting excitedly and shyly, "Sir, are you I can give you this cake, but Can we add a wechat first? "

Xia Xiaodie has fallen in love with this man, so she can't wait to take the initiative.

She has good conditions, and she is young and beautiful. There are many boys chasing her. But it's strange that when she takes the initiative to chat up with this man, she is so nervous.

In Xia Xiaodie's full of expectations, Lu Hanting didn't even look at her. He just took out his black gold card and handed it to the store manager, "then ask the master to work overtime to make one for me."

The store manager saw Lu Hanting's black gold card, which was inlaid with a golden "Lu" character.

Lu is a famous surname in Haicheng.

The store manager almost instantly guessed the identity of the man in front of him. All the cold sweat on his forehead came down. Haicheng, a big man who covered the sky with one hand, came to a small cake shop."First Please wait a moment, sir. I'll ask the master to make one for you

The store manager ran into the back kitchen.

Xia Xiaodie and Kong zhen'er are a little confused. Why does the store manager make a special cake for this man?

They're all in line.

This is the VVIP treatment of this cake shop.

Lu Hanting is waiting. He takes a commercial newspaper and reads it.

Xia Xiaodie was ignored completely, which made her lose face. She stretched out her hand to pull the suspender skirt on her body, deliberately revealing the attractive curve of her chest.

"Oh, I'm dizzy." Xia Xiaodie pretends to be dizzy, and the whole person pours into Lu Hanting's arms.

She closed her eyes, expecting to fall into the arms of men.

But the next second, bang, she fell straight to the ground.

It turns out that Lu Hanting has to avoid for a while, and Xia Xiaodie comes to eat the dog's excrement.

At this time, there was a beautiful voice on the top of his head, "Xia Xiaodie, how can you give me such a big gift?"

Xia Xiaodie looks up and sees Xia Xiwan unexpectedly.

Summer evening line came, her bright Jian Tong is looking at her dog eating excrement, but also playful blink feather Jie.

Xia Xiaodie's whole person is not good, she quickly and awkwardly climbed up, "Xia Xiwan, how did you come?"

Xia Xiaodie showed an incredible expression. How could Xia Xiwan be in the cake shop? When she left, Wang Zong had already entered the room.

What happened?

At this time, Lu Hanting stepped forward, naturally stretched out his healthy arm and put on the slender waist of summer evening line, "how to go so long?"

Her waist is really just enough for him to hold.

Xia Xiaodie and Kong zhen'er take a breath, Xia Xiwan and this man?

"Xia Xiwan, who is he?" Xia Xiaodie asks quickly.

Xia Xiwan hook lip, "you don't say he is my little white face?"

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