Said Xia Xiwan pointed to Xia Xiaodie, looking at Lu Hanting, "this is what she said."

Xia Xiaodie and Kong zhen'er are shocked. Is this man really a little white face raised by Xia Xiwan?

Oh, my God!

Xia Xiaodie felt a slap on her face.

At this time, the store manager sent out a strawberry jam cake, and Lu Hanting carried it in his hand, "let's go, go back."

"Good." Xia Xiwan followed, she also looked back and waved her hand with Xia Xiaodie, "88."

Xia Xiaodie is simply muddled, she did not think that Xia Xiwan really raised a top-notch little white face.

At this time, Kong zhen'er said, "Xiaodie, it seems that you really want to call aunt Xia Xiwan."

Xia Xiaodie quickly and severely gouged out Kong zhen'er.

Kong zhen'er immediately said with a smile, "Xiaodie, I mean, the little white face raised by Xia Xiwan is so handsome, Bao. How much does it cost to raise him?"

Just now, Lu Hanting didn't look at her all the way. She just thought she didn't exist, which made Xia Xiaodie feel very frustrated and angry.

However, Kong zhen'er's words quickly reminded her that she was not a little white face who had been wrapped up in summer evening clothes. She could pay several times the price to bag him and bring him up.

At this thought, Xia Xiaodie is very happy.

"Store manager, give me the cake I bought. We're going back." Xia Xiaodie goes to get the cake.

The store manager didn't give it, "sorry, ladies, the money will be refunded to you, even double the compensation, but this cake can't be given to you."

"Why?" Xia Xiaodie and Kong zhener are stunned.

The manager smiles, "because this cake is for my dog."


Xia Xiaodie patted the table and stood up, "store manager, what do you mean, are you insulting us?"

Shop manager, "don't I humiliate you enough to understand? You offended a big man. Even if the cake is given to the dog, it will not be given to you!"


The luxury car stopped in the Youlan garden, and Lu Hanting handed the black card with gilding to Xia Xiwan, "this is for you."

Xia Xiwan Pu fan like feather Jie Yi Shuo, why did he give her card?

"I don't want it." He refused.

Lu Hanting raised his thin lips. "You certainly can't afford me, but you, I can still support you, my Mrs. Lu."

My Mrs. Lu

When he uttered this sentence in a voice of incomparable magnetism, Xia Xiwan only felt his heart move, and the beat of his heart had already disordered the rhythm.

Xia Xiwan quickly opened the co driver's door and got out of the car.

This man is really a monster.

Xia Xiwan carefully put his gold stamping black card in the bag and went into the living room. Mrs. Lu welcomed him out with a smile. "Xiwan, you're back. How are you going to your mother's house today?"

"Grandma, it's going well. Let's have a cake together."

Mrs. Lu's eyes brightened, and she walked into the living room, rubbing her hands. "Cake is good. I like cake best."

At this time, Lu Hanting came in. Instead of going to the living room, he went upstairs directly. However, he stepped on the stairs and his eyes fell on Mrs. Lu. "Grandma, you have high blood pressure. Take a bite of cake."

Mrs. Lu put the nth piece of cake into her mouth and said, "I know it in my mind. I took a bite and tasted it. It's really sweet."

Xia Xiwan was amused by this old lady. She looked up at the man on the stairs, "do you want cake?"

Lu Hanting doesn't like sweets, "no more."


"The corner of your mouth..."

Lu Hanting's eyes fell on her small face, because of eating cake, her face veil lifted a corner, revealing the small jaw, and her half covered red lips.

Her lips are beautiful, cherry.

Once a magazine selected the lips that a man would like to kiss when he saw it. She was the one who hung it.

Now she has a little milk stain on her lips.

By his such a reminder, Xia Xiwan girl's natural tongue directly licked that little milk stains into his mouth.

When she looked at him again, Lu Hanting swept her red lips and pulled the tie at the collar of his shirt. His throat rolled up the stairs and entered the study.

Xia Xiwan's white earlobe is red. Lu Hanting's tie pulling action is very fatal, as if driving with his eyes.

Xia Xiwan quickly took out the paper towel and wiped his lips.

At this time, the housekeeper took an old man upstairs, and Xia Xiwan asked, "grandma, who is that man?"

"Oh, that's Mr. Nanyuan. He comes here once a month."

Xia Xiwan's heart thump a jump, Mr. Nanyuan is a world-famous hypnotist, she learned medicine, naturally heard his name.

Mr. Nanyuan unexpectedly came here. He must be treating Lu Hanting's sleep disorder. It seems that his sleep disorder is more serious than she imagined.……

Xia Xiwan was not at ease, so she came to the door of the study. At this time, there was a strange sound. Xia Xiwan was surprised and quickly opened the door of the study.

The study was in a mess. All the papers on the desk fell on the carpet. The clock in Mr. Nanyuan's hand was also broken.

Lu Hanting stood in front of his desk, two big hands on the table top, his palms and veins jumped, and his refined chest was panting like a wild animal.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Lu Hanting raised his head. Xia Xiwan bumped into his deep and narrow eyes. Now his eyes are stained with terrible red blood and ferocious Yinzhuo.

Now, he's a different person.

Xia Xiwan is no stranger to this man. I met him last night.

Two people four eyes opposite, Lu Hanting will thin lips pursed into a cold white arc, a deep voice, "go out!"

Xia Xiwan stood still.

The housekeeper picked up the broken clock and took Mr. Nanyuan out and closed the door of the study.

One door separates two worlds.

Xia Xiwan looks at Mr. Nanyuan, "Mr. Nanyuan, how is he?"

Mr. Nanyuan shook his head. "At the beginning, I could hypnotize Lu Shao and let him rest one day a month. But his mental condition was so bad that Lu Shaoji was alert and his defense line was so strong that I could not hypnotize him."

Xia Xiwan is not surprising. Lu Hanting is a mature, deep and introverted man. His emotions seldom leak out. Such a man is calm and self-control, and almost changes his state.

Xia Xiwan gently falls down Yu Jie, and then she reaches for the door and wants to go in.

"No, grandma. It's dangerous for you to go in now. Did you forget last night?" Housekeeper fauber quickly stopped.

Xia Xiwan looked at Fubo with a clear and thorough Jian Tong, "Fubo, it is because I have not forgotten that I want to go in. Once sleep disorders develop into mental illness, he will be unable to control the gloomy and irritable morbid self in his body. At that time, the second personality will completely replace him."

Fauber turned pale.

Summer evening line push the door and enter.


In the study, Lu Hanting looked at the summer sunset, and the haze on his brow fell again. "Go out, don't let me say it for the third time!"

Xia Xiwan came forward, his black eyes overflowed with a broken bright smile, "Mr. Lu, I just want to have a try. What will happen if you say it for the third time?"

Lu Hanting felt uncomfortable all over. The veins on his forehead were bulging. His body was slowly out of control. He didn't want to hurt her.

Reach out to buckle the fiber arm of Xia Xiwan, he uttered a voice from the throat, "roll!"

He gave her a push.

Xia Xiwan did not stand firm, when the whole person fell on the carpet, his forehead hit the sharp corner of the tea table, and suddenly blood poured.


Xia Xiwan gave a painful hum and covered the wound with her hand, and the fresh blood flowed down from her fingers. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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