Xia Xiwan looked at the way he was about to collapse, which was really funny, "finished? It seems that the hospital report can't save your dirty heart. "

"You lied to me, Xia Xiwan, you lied to me! The hospital report can be fake. Even if the report is true, you can go to the hospital to repair it. You... "

Xia Xiwan raised his hand and slapped him hard.


Susie was beaten to the side of her face.

Xia Xiwan forced to break away from him, and then the original hospital report in the bag was severely thrown on his handsome face, "sushi, don't overestimate yourself. What point do you have today that is worth my lying for you?"

Susie picked up the hospital report on the carpet and looked back and forth carefully several times.

"Susie, in my impression, you are not such a stupid person. I saved a man in the ice and snow, and we held him together in order to keep him warm. How could you think that I was too old at that time? Why did you think you were so convinced for so many years?"

Suxi pulled the hospital report into a fold, and then went forward to hold Xia Xiwan's fragrant shoulder. "Wanwan, I was wrong. I was wrong. I misunderstood you. I won't be engaged to Xia Xiaodie. Don't you want to destroy Xia's family? OK, I'll do it for you. You give me a chance. Let's start again, OK?"

Xia Xiwan looked at Suxi's ferocious face and sneered, "why did you stab me in those days? Why did you stand up and say that I pushed my grandfather? Suxi, tell me the reason now!"

Suxi's eyes quickly stained with blood red, and the blue veins on his palm leaped. "Wanwan, let it pass. Don't mention it in the future. I'll make up for you. I'll love you well in the future."

He is still reluctant to say.

Xia Xiwan has been unable to figure out why he should come forward to slander her?

Her mother liked him so much that she pointed out to two people that she called him brother sushi at that time.

She didn't understand why he did it!

Now, he still doesn't say.

"Susie, you know, from the moment you stand up, we will never be able to. So ah, when you see me holding with that man and being provoked by Xia Xiaodie, you will be self hypnotic and believe in me. Only when I betray you, can you destroy me with worse and shameless, and even imprison me into your private slave, sushi Do you know how disgusting I am to see you now

Suxi looked at her clear and clear eyes, which were clean and not stained with fine dust, as if he had seen through all the dirt in his eyes.

Sometimes, he wanted her to be less intelligent.

He has been hypnotizing himself, otherwise, how can he be willing to pull her into hell together?

"Wanwan, I love you. You should know how much I love you. Don't you just rely on my love for you to make a wedding today with a medical certificate?"

"Yes, I rely on your love for me, just as you stabbed me with my trust and trust ten years ago. Susie, we are even. There will be no feelings, only enmity!"

Xia Xiwan pushes him away and turns away.

"Wanwan," Susie called her hoarsely, "are we really out of the question?"

Xia Xiwan did not look back, "sushi, since you have chosen your way, don't go back, because I don't have a way back to let you go."

Xia Xiwan opens the door of the room.

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