Xia Xiwan opens the door of the room. Someone is outside. Xia Xiaodie grabs her fist and stares at her with red eyes.

Today's engagement party is abandoned. Xia Zhenguo and Li Yulan have already sent guests and taken care of the aftermath. Xia Xiaodie, who had already stepped into the gate of the Su family, was instantly knocked back to its prototype and even became a gossip joke. Now she wants to strangle Xia Xiwan.

"Xia Xiwan, what method did you use to confuse brother Suxi? Did you send that message? What did you send?"

Xia Xiwan hook lips, "these questions you can ask your brother Suxi."

"Xia Xiwan, are you happy now

Xia Xiaodie has a sense of frustration. She tries hard to kill Xia Xiwan, but she can only be killed by Xia Xiwan no matter how hard she tries. This frustration makes her cry of resentment.

Xia Xiwan looked at Xia Xiaodie, "you invited me to the engagement party. Are you satisfied with this engagement gift? Don't give the tears of a loser to me, the winner, because I'm really happy now. You've come to trouble again and again, and even send your face to me to fight. If I don't slap you hard, won't I be sorry for your kindness? "

"You Xia Xiaodie feels that she has been rubbed again by Xia Xiwan.

At this time, Xia Xiwan came forward, she stopped at Xia Xiaodie's side and said in a low voice, "Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you that I played the rest, I won't give you to play."

Finish saying, Xia Xiwan went downstairs.

Xia Xiaodie felt the blood rush to her head. She closed her eyes and really fainted.

"Butterfly!" At this time, Li Yulan ran over and hugged Xia Xiaodie, "Xiaodie, what's wrong with you? Wake up! Xia Xiwan, do you think it's a glorious thing to destroy someone's engagement to be a junior? "

At this time, Xia Zhenguo also came. Like Li Yulan, Xia Zhenguo hoped that Xia Xiaodie could marry into the Su family. Now that the engagement has become so serious, Xia Zhenguo has felt that her dream is broken and her face has been swept away.

"Xia Xiwan, I always think that you were brought up in the countryside because of poor education. I didn't expect that your heart was still so vicious. Xiaodie is your sister!"

Xia Zhenguo raised his hand and wanted to slap Xia Xiwan.

Xia Xiwan did not evade. She looked at Xia Zhenguo coldly and sent her face to his palm. "Dad, you fight, fight hard. Since you don't like me so much, you should have killed me on the day my mother died!"

Xia Zhenguo's hand suddenly froze in the air and couldn't fight any more.

Xia Xiwan turned his head and looked at Li Yulan. "Speaking of being a junior, auntie, you are really my elder. It's a pity that your daughter doesn't get your true story. She has the heart to seduce men, but she doesn't have the ability to seduce men."

Finish saying, the summer evening line leaves.

"Zhenguo, call an ambulance, call an ambulance quickly!"


Xia Xiwan left the villa and went back to Youlan garden directly.

What she didn't know was that there was an extended version of a luxury business car on the side of the road. Lu Hanting pulled down the window and was looking at her pretty figure.

Gu Yejin looked at the ambulance that had already arrived. The medical staff carried stretchers in and out, and couldn't help but hook his lips. "Han Ting, you are really good for the bride to marry. She made a good engagement party like this. One person singled out everyone. I think it's a little difficult for you to tame her."

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