A man in black is driving, and the other three men in black are surrounded by summer evening clothes. They are very satisfied with the goods this time. They are really the best.

The man in black couldn't wait to drive. He urged, "hurry up, play quickly, and change me when you're ready."

"Don't worry. How can we get up quickly in the face of such excellent products? First of all, I'll take a video, but the employer told me to take more photos and videos."

A man in black took out his mobile phone, holding Xia Xiwan's face and came to a close-up, "let's have a look. How beautiful this face is. Take her clothes off quickly. Let's have a look at her body."

"Here I am." Another man in black came to the t-collar of xiaxiwan with two hands. With the sound of tearing the cloth, the fragrant shoulder of xiaxiwan was exposed to the air.

The eyes of the men in black were straight, "Wow, the skin is as white as milk, and the handle is as smooth as silk. Shit, I feel as excited as a stimulant. I can't help it. I'll come first!"

Xia Xiwan's slender feathers trembled, but they couldn't open their eyes, and their skin was cool. Beside their ears were those men's obscene and excited laughter, which made people nauseous.

These men are very agile. They should be hired with high salary. They don't want her life, but take her to the wheel of the car and shoot a video.

For a girl, this is the biggest shame, it is even worse than death, it is obvious that the main agent behind the scene is to torture her and destroy her reputation.

Xia Xiwan moved and wanted to struggle, but she couldn't lift her strength.

At this time, a man in black can't wait to rush over, press on her body, stretch out his hand to pull her pants, "I have never played such a delicate little beauty, you all line up behind me, let me have a good time first, ha ha."

Xia Xiwan closed her eyes. At this moment, her senses were particularly clear. She had already felt the invasion of these people, but she was unable to resist.

This feeling of powerlessness is like she fell into a pool of stagnant water, and then slowly sinking, about to drown.

She has not experienced this feeling of helplessness for a long time. The last time she was nine years old, mummy and grandfather left one after another, and she became a person.

It is said that the emperor's capital is crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Originally, danger has been lurking around her. She mistakenly believes in fan Tian, which is the consequence she must bear.

Xia Xiwan's eyes are hot, and there seems to be something hot and humid to flow out. At such a desperate moment, her mind is full of a delicate and handsome face, which is Lu Hanting.

It's her Mr. Lu.

At this moment, I really miss him.

The man in black at the back was pulling Xia Xiwan's trousers. At this time, the man in black who was driving in front of him suddenly called out, "no, there's a car coming from behind!"


The men in black were quite alert. They immediately bent over the windshield and saw the Rolls Royce mirage luxury car rushing forward like an arrow.

The pupils of several people in black shrank and were full of horror. They looked at the driver in horror. Lu Hanting put his big hand on the steering wheel and stared at the front. His deep narrow eyes shot through the windshield like X-ray on the faces of these people in black. He was expressionless and careless. He was extremely bloodthirsty and made his scalp numb.

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