"Shit, get out of here!" The man in black cried out in panic.

But it was too late, the next second after the Rolls Royce phantom directly collided up, with a huge to devastating power.

"Boom", the sound is very impressive.

People on those roads were shocked to see this scene. Just now they saw Rolls Royce's phantom run after it and then hit it.

The black van hit the wall in the sparks and stopped. The van was scrapped.

After the huge noise, it was completely quiet. After a few seconds, passers-by saw that the driving door of Rolls Royce phantom was opened, and a tall and upright body jumped into the sight.

Lu Hanting came down.

Today, Lu Hanting is wearing a hand-made black shirt and black trousers. The cool wind in autumn has made his shirt bulge. His long and narrow eyes are covered with terrible red blood. His black trousers cut like a knife edge are rippling with a fierce arc with every step he takes. His whole body is like a Satan from hell, ferocious and terrifying.

Lu Hanting came to the smoldering black van and opened the back door directly. Several people in black were covered with blood and fell inside, leaving only a faint breath.

They looked at Lu Hanting in horror, like looking at a terrible devil, constantly moving inside.

If you step on the gas pedal to the end, the man who bumps into him like an arrow doesn't want to die at all.

This kind of man is frightening.

Lu Hanting saw the delicate figure at a glance. Xia Xiwan had fainted. The fierce crash threw her out, and a line of blood flowed from her white beauty's forehead.

Lu Han Ting reached out his big hand and pulled a man in black out of the room and kicked him out a few meters away. Then he went in low and held Xia Xiwan out.

Her jacket is not neat, her shining shoulders are exposed, a large area of greasy white skin shakes people's eyes ache, and the pants below are still in good condition. He came, and she has not been violated.

Lu Hanting took his black coat and wrapped her up. He held her in his arms and walked to the Rolls Royce mirage van step by step. But after two steps, he suddenly knelt down on one knee.

With a puff, he couldn't hold back the sweet smell in his chest any more, and he spat out a mouthful of blood directly.

Lu Hanting drooped his handsome eyelids and looked at the girl in his arms. Slowly, he drew an arc on his thin lips. "Don't be so swaggering. I'll be remembered. If I come a step late, what will you do?"

His right hand was slowly stained with blood. He didn't feel it when the crash just now. Now he feels that the whole right arm is blunt and numb, as if it was abandoned.

Lu Hanting breathed, a handsome face was already very white. At this time, he saw two drops of crystal clear tears falling from the corner of the girl's eyes, and she cried.

Lu Hanting lowered his head, and his thin lips fell on her eyes, kissing her back and forth, and then hooked her eyes into his mouth. He closed his eyes and whispered hoarsely, "are you afraid? Don't be afraid. I'm here

Lu Hanting's tall and upright body fell to the ground. When he lost consciousness, he held Xia Xiwan tightly in his arms.

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