The girl disappeared, and academician Qiu Yuanqiu emerged from the Academy of Sciences and set up a research center.

About the incident five years ago, it has always been the shame of Yelao, who felt that he had been slapped in the face.

Night old muddy eyes become sharp up, "yes, another night emotional radio is academician Qiu sent people."

This sentence exploded in the crowd, everyone quickly whispered, very excited

it is really the people sent from the scientific research center, do you think academician Qiu will Sent by X?

So we can see what x looks like?

I really look forward to it. X is so mysterious and powerful that I wonder what kind of person she is.

Seeing everyone's excited start to discuss x, Yelao's face cooled down. He said seriously, "this time, we are fighting with the radio station of the scientific research center. We have to count the listening rate to judge the winner or loser. So you should distinguish between friends and enemies, and don't make a fuss about it!"

Night old said so, everyone quickly quiet down.

Night old and look to Li Yan Ran, "Yan Ran, this time the radio match is very important, you must go all out."

Li Yanran has also heard of X, but she is not as excited about X as other people, curious and adored. She is the favorite girl of heaven. She was only 15 years old five years ago. What can a 15-year-old girl do? She only goes to junior high school when she is 15.

It can only be said that x is older than her. It is estimated that she is now 30 years old, and she is not born at the right time. If it is now, she may not be worse than that X!

As an emotional radio anchor in the evening, she is born with an advantage. Renmei voice is famous. When she connects with those emotional viewers, her hotline is expected to be smashed.

The point is, the radio building of this academy was donated by her father, and her mother is now the director of the radio station!

Li Yan Ran nodded confidently, "Ye Lao, don't worry, I will go all out. By the way, how can the people sent by academician Qiu not come?"

With such a reminder, everyone is ready to move again. Yes, why don't people come?

Night old looked down at his watch, this person should also come.

At this time, everyone heard a beautiful voice, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm not late."

Li Yanran felt that this voice was very familiar. How could it sound like The voice of summer sunset?

Can't you?

Li Yan Ran drew a sound, quickly turned around, she suddenly saw the front of the summer evening line.

Summer sunset is coming!

Fan Tian is also a stiff. She is shocked to see the sudden appearance of Xia Xiwan. She is actually the person sent by academician Qiu?

At this time, fan Tian's ears echoed what Xia Xiwan once said. I will go to the Academy of Sciences to find you soon!

Fan Tian's eyes slowly overflow with panic, uneasiness and panic.

She found that no one knew what Xia Xiwan's cards were.

There are always a lot of mysteries about her.

Xia Xiwan came over, her pair of clear Jian Tong light of the people, and then from Li Yan Ran fan Tian's face gently across, fell on the night old's face, "night old, we meet again."

Looking at Xia Xiwan, ye Lao suddenly narrowed his turbid and sharp eyes. He didn't expect that Qiu yuan sent her! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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