Yelao once said that he would never let Xia Xiwan enter the gate of the Academy of science. He didn't expect Xia Xiwan to come in today.

The night old thinks, this summer evening line is to teach him a lesson, what is to say cannot say too full!

Ye Lao looked at Xia Xiwan, "are you the one sent by Qiu yuan? What is the relationship between you and Qiu yuan? Qiu yuan is the president of T University, and you are studying in a university. "

The onlookers were also shocked. They all knew Xia Xiwan. Recently, Xia Xiwan was so famous. In addition, she became Lu Zixian's fiancee Nightmare!

How did Xia Xiwan come?

I thought it was x, but I didn't expect it was Xia Xiwan.

Yes, why did academician Qiu send Xia Xiwan here? He and Xia Xiwan are two different people. How can they meet?

Don't worry about it. She is academician Lu's fiancee. Ah, I'm dying of heartache!

Xia Xiwan was not affected by these comments. She straightened her delicate back, calm and calm. She looked at Yelao and said, "Yelao, whether it's t or a university, I'm a student, and I'm also a student of academician Qiu."

Night old Leng hum, this Xia Xiwan is really sharp mouth, she did not answer the question positively, but used the relationship between students and teachers to answer her relationship with Qiu yuan, but this answer let people not catch a bit of mistake.

"Xia Xiwan, the radio station of our Academy of Sciences has been handed over to Yanran. If you fight with Yanran challenge arena, you can do it yourself." Night old brush sleeve, turn to leave.

Fan Tian looked at the figure of Yelao's leaving, and did not take back his eyes for a long time.

At this time, fan Tian felt a glance fall on her face, she quickly alert, turned a look, directly hit Xia Xiwan that pair of clear water eyes.

Xia Xiwan is looking at her. She has already got a panoramic view of the scene she was staring at night.

Fan Tian had a bad premonition in an instant. Did he know something about the summer sunset?

At this time, Li Yan Ran stepped forward, and she looked at Xia Xiwan haughtily. "Xia Xiwan, although I don't know why academician Qiu sent you here, you are doomed to lose. If it's the X under academician Qiu, maybe there is a chance to win. I'll give you a chance. You can leave the Academy of Sciences now, so you won't lose too badly."

Summer evening line hook up red lips, a pair of Jian pupil Ying Ying Ying bright, "Li Yan Ran, I found you more and more like nonsense, it is better to say something useful."

Li Yanran a beautiful face was cold down, "it seems that you do not see the coffin, do not cry, go, we go to the radio building to see the director, you do not know, the director is my mother, grandma wants to recognize you as a granddaughter, my mother would like to see you for a long time."

Xia Xiwan knows that the radio station is a thunder. She stepped on the thunder.

Li Yanran's mother is Yelao's daughter Yeying. However, Xia Xiwan hears that Li Yanran's father, Li Junmo, and Yeying are not in a good relationship. They began to live apart many years ago.

Li Junmo devoted himself to charity these years. He is a philanthropic tycoon with mysterious whereabouts. Yeying manages radio station and is a strong woman.

Xia Xiwan came to the radio building of the Academy of Sciences. When she saw the magnificent and high-rise radio tower, she sighed again about the power of capital. She heard that the radio station was donated by Li Junmo, and even nearly destroyed by Lin Shuiyao 20 years ago. It was Li Junmo who helped stabilize the Yejia and built it into one of the four powerful imperial capitals 。 , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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