Isn't fan Tian giving her a needle? Then she will give it back to fan Tian!

Li Yanran didn't want to direct a big play of tearing up junior in her own radio audition to achieve her own success. Then she let the whole people listen to an old love affair, which helped her to become a household name.

Isn't Yelao trying to ruin her reputation, she might as well destroy her reputation and reputation, and let the dean of the Academy of Sciences be reduced to the talk of others after dinner.

As for Yeying, she probably thinks that the radio station is not lively enough, so she will sing a big play here and have a good time.

None of the people who offended her should escape.

Xia Xiwan looked up at Lu Zixian with her unique face. "I know that fan Tian's interview is their strong response."

"What do you do next?" Lu Zixian asked.

Xia Xiwan picked a delicate willow eyebrow, and then only spit out a word in the red lip, "wait."


Lu Zixian looked at her calm and mysterious look, "what are you waiting for?"

"Wait and see what the night old fan Tian has to do, and then wait and see a man."

Xia Xiwan is waiting for a person!

When Lu Zixian was in Haicheng, she felt that Xia Xiwan was like a book. If she didn't turn down, she would never know what she was hiding on the next page. Such a girl was so attractive that she couldn't help but want to explore, and then she was deeply addicted.

"Wanwan, who are you waiting for?"

She's waiting for the last person who sent her a sealed file. She's waiting for Susie!

The sealed file about fan Tian, which is the last page, tells her the secret of fan Tian's heart. Fan Tian likes to grow old at night.

When Xia Xiwan uses this point to make an article, she is also testing the authenticity of the news. She tried it out and it is true.

If there is no wrong guess, fan Tian's secret has never been told to anyone else. How did sushi know it?

Xia Xiwan has always been curious about who sushi is, what kind of role she has played in these years, and where is Suxi now?

Xia Xiwan can feel that sushi has been spying on her life. He knows everything about her now.

This feeling is really Too bad, Xia Xiwan wants to find out Suxi!

But about these Xia Xiwan can't tell Lu Zixian, she wittily blinked Yu Jie, "temporarily confidential, is an old friend."

Lu Zixian did not ask this topic again, "wanwan, shall we have dinner together?"

"Not tonight. I'm going back to the radio."

"Why go back again?"

"If I don't go back, how can they sing their plays? It's not just that they're not finished, I'm not finished. Let's go." Xia Xiwan waved his hand and left.

Lu Zixian stood there watching her delicate figure. At this moment, he felt that she was like a kite flying in the sky. He couldn't catch her because she would fly higher and higher.


Xia Xiwan went back to the radio station and there was a lot of noise inside.

Her d radio office was opened, inside a group of people looking for things, Yeying and Li Yanran are also in.

Xia Xiwan hooked a red lip, "what are you looking for? This is my office. You are invading personal privacy by rummaging my things?"

Li Yan ran quickly forward, manly, "summer evening line, fan Tian abortion, she is under abortion medicine!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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