Did fan Tian miscarry?

Xia Xiwan stood by the door, looking at Li Yanran, "I didn't expect that you started so hard, and even miscarriage was done. Then the next thing should be that you found abortion medicine here. Don't waste time, come out and convict me."

Li Yanran is also ready to give Xia Xiwan a fright. When she can see Xia Xiwan's panic, she will be very satisfied. However, where does she know that Xia Xiwan has accurately guessed what will happen next, and even urges her to do so, Li Yanran pulls from the corner of her lips,

at this time, the staff found a package of abortion medicine from the drawer, "found! Abortion medicine found! Xia Xiwan is really the culprit! "

"Brush" for a while, all people's eyes fall on the body of Xia Xiwan, pointing.

Ye Ying took away the package of abortion medicine, "Xia Xiwan, now the evidence is conclusive, and you can't deny it. You first framed fan Tian because of his personal feud and implicated Yelao. Now fan Tian is pregnant, and you see that your plot is exposed, and you come up with this vicious method, and use abortion medicine to kill fan Tian's abortion!"

"In order to expose your maliciousness and clear the innocent, we will hold a press conference tomorrow. You can think about how to beg for mercy while there is still time."

Finish saying that, night Ying with people to leave.

Li Yan Ran cocked up the proud little tail, "Xia Xiwan, this is the end of fighting with us, you just wait to cry!"

Li Yanran also left.

Xia Xiwan has no expression. She puts everything that has been flipped in the office back and walks out the door.

Outside, the corridor was in a mess. Many people gathered there. Fan Tian had a miscarriage. Now he was pale and covered with blood.

Fan Tian saw Xia Xiwan. She quickly stretched out her bloody finger and pointed to Xia Xiwan. She was extremely indignant. "It's all you. Xia Xiwan is a vicious heart. You even gave me abortion medicine. You returned my child. This is an innocent little life, you murderer!"

At this time, Yeying takes people to carry fan Tian on the stretcher. Yeying grabs fan Tian's hand with hatred against the enemy. "Fan Tian, don't talk now. I'll send you to the hospital. Tomorrow's press conference will expose Xia Xiwan's crimes, and then she will be punished."

Fan Tian looked at Ye Ying with great gratitude, "director, thank you."

Night Ying timely ended this bitter drama, a wave of the hand, "go, we go to the hospital."

She took Tian Ying to the hospital in person.

Xia Xiwan stands at the same place and looks at the figures of these two people. It's a pity that they don't go to play. Just now, the oboe singer can win the Oscar double.

Yeying left

Xia Xi Wan's bright Jian Tong falls in Yeying's office. Where is the key to the forbidden area put by Yeying? Will it be in the office?

Now is a great opportunity, she wants to go in and find the key!

There are also many people around here. They are filled with indignation and blame Xia Xiwan one after another.

other people's fan Tian has miscarriage, but she still stands here and does not change her color. How vicious is her heart.

When Xia Xiwan came to our Academy of Sciences, she made such a big noise. She even dared to design a night old man with high expectations.

Not only that, but she also lost us academician Lu.

Xia Xiwan, you have no heart!

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