These people can be said to be the new hatred together with the old, hate to death Xia Xiwan, do not know who brought an egg, directly hit Xia Xiwan's body.

PA, a sound, broken eggs, dirty Xia Xi Wan a body.

Now that someone has started, we all follow suit and throw all the eggplant leaves on Xia Xiwan, saying Xia Xiwan while throwing them. Please get out of the radio station and out of the Academy of Sciences. You are not welcome here!

Xia Xiwan suddenly became the target of public criticism and was beaten in groups.

At this time, I don't know who threw a small stone and directly hit Xia Xiwan's forehead. Xia Xiwan raised his hand and touched his forehead, bleeding.

She slapped a big unique small face slowly cold down, a pair of sharp eyes to those people's faces in the past.

But the next second, the line of sight suddenly broke into a tall and upright body, someone came, blocked her in front of her, and protected her behind her.

Xia Xiwan's long feather flutters, unexpectedly is Lu Hanting!

Here comes Lu Hanting!

How did he come?

Today, Lu Hanting is dressed in a black coat. His whole body is thin and cold. He seems to have fallen from the sky. His body is straight and broad, and his delicate summer evening clothes are firmly protected behind him. Now his narrow eyes like hawk Falcon fall on the faces of those people, lift his thin lips and say, "you..."

"Xia Xiwan rolls out of the academy!" I don't know which onlookers who can't stop the car are still shouting and throwing a green vegetable leaf directly onto Lu Hanting's head.

Lu Han Ting's voice stopped abruptly under the green light. His two big hands hanging on his side suddenly became fists, and his bones and joints all banged.

He looked at the man who threw vegetables, his eyes pierced through like X-ray, and he had the heart to kill.

"Lu Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! Mistake, I made a mistake! See you, Mr. Lu! " The man who threw away the vegetables ran away.

Those onlookers also dropped their eggs, vegetables and stones, turned around and ran away, as if the devil was chasing them.

These people are gone.

Xia Xiwan goes around Lu Hanting's face. She looks up at the green on top of Lu's head, and laughs.

I didn't expect that Ba general manager Lu Hanting had such a day of vegetables on his head. His head was green and funny.

Looking at the girl laughing at him, the laughter cackled like a bell. Lu Han Ting pursed his thin lips and said in a low displeasure, "what are you laughing at? Please help me take down the vegetables on my head!"

Does he have no hands?

He's really a bully. He likes to order people.

Xia Xiwan stood on tiptoe, but he was too tall. Her little hand couldn't reach his head at all. "Then you lower your head."

"Why are you so short?" Lu looked at her in disgust, then bullied the tall body in the past, and slowly lowered his head in front of her.

He never looked down in front of other girls. She was the first.

He was so low, his beautiful face was close to her, two people close, breathing entangled.

Xia Xiwan raised his white hand and helped him take off the green vegetables on his head. "OK, Mr. Lu, how did you come?"

Lu Hanting did not stand up, but maintained this posture, looking at her face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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