Oh, no, he found out!

What lies should she tell?

Xia Xiwan's flexible small head was running fast, "you think more, this is just a Misunderstanding, I left something with the night director, so I came in to get my own things. "

Lu Hanting knew that she was cheating him again by looking at her rolling eyes. This little liar likes to lie and cheat him!

Lu Hanting snorted coldly. He grabbed her slender wrist and dragged her outside. "That's good. I'll take you to see Yeying now. It's better for you to ask her face-to-face."


He even wants to drag her to see Yeying!

Xia Xiwan quickly shakes his head, grabs the door desperately and refuses to go out. Looking at him pitifully, "Mr. Lu Mr. Lu, do you have to fight with me? Can't you just turn a blind eye when I haven't entered your office? "

Lu Han Ting stopped and didn't pull her out. He glanced at her from a commanding position, "are you talking about conditions with me?"

Xia Xiwan knows that he is a bully. Such a bully president should be very helpful. The girls act like coquettish and cute to him. Xia Xiwan thinks that his luck is too bad and he is caught by him. Now he can only find a way to get rid of him.

Xia Xiwan stood up straight, then stretched out his little white hand, grabbed his slender index finger, and shook it left and right, "Mr. Lu, cold Ting Brother, you can let me go. Let's just think that nothing happened today, OK? "

Xia Xiwan learns from Li Yanran's usual coquettish appearance and calls out "brother Han Ting". She calls herself goose bumps all over her body.

Lu Hanting looks at her deliberately pretending to be coquettish. In fact, many women like to whine at him, including Li Yanran, but they only make him feel disgusted. Now she winks at him playfully and purrs her red and red mouth deliberately. It is intentional, but it's also true to be sweet.

Lu Hanting is a very traditional straight man. He likes a beautiful girl who is pure as water. He also likes to be coquettish to him.

He felt that Xia Xiwan was cute and cute now, which was quite different from that of her who was usually smart. He felt more like a little fox. He wanted to pinch her face.

Brother Han Ting

Li Yanran has been so called him, he has no sense of this address, but now listen to Xia Xiwan call out, he feel damned good.

He's really in her way!

Lu Hanting's raised throat knot rolled up and down twice. "Why should I help you? You sneak into Yeying's office. Why should I make myself an accomplice of thieves?"


Xia Xiwan thought for a moment, "I'll treat you to dinner, not one meal, please two."

Lu Han Ting disdained a sneer, "want to eat with me, you'd better make an appointment with my secretary first, I have no time to accompany you."

“…” Good, it's the general manager!

Xia Xiwan looked up at him with a peerless small face. His smile disappeared, and his hand was loosened. He asked directly, "Lu Hanting, what do you want?"

Lu Hanting's handsome eyebrows and eyes quickly covered with a layer of cold duck's frost, "Xia Xiwan, when you asked for me, you were brother Hanting, now you have become Lu Hanting. How can you be so realistic? This is your patience with me?"

Why is he angry with his husband?

He didn't make it clear. He was the one who took the opportunity to threaten her!

Why does he still have a look of grievance?

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