"What do you want me to do? I'll cajole you, but it seems that you can't coax me well!"

Lu Hanting looked at her, then lifted his thin lips and ordered, "Xia Xiwan, kiss me!"

Xia Xiwan, kiss me!

What is he talking about?

He wanted her to Kiss him?

Lu Hanting was stunned to see her again, as if he was shocked that he would make this request, which made him have a kind of sight feeling that he was eager to catch up with her to kiss him. Lu Hanting frowned and frowned, "I don't want to let it go. No one forces you!"

With that, Lu Hanting turned and left.

At this time, Xia Xiwan stood on tiptoe, quickly gathered to his handsome cheek and gave a kiss, "is this OK?"

Lu Hanting stopped. The next second he reached out his healthy arm and directly hooped her slender waist with a grip of Yingying. He put her bully on the wall, "how about you playing with me, eh?"


"Woman, do you know the difference between kiss and kiss?" Finish saying that, Lu Hanting shuttles into her cheek side's hair with one hand, clasps her back head spoon, mercilessly kisses her red lips.

Xia Xiwan's delicate body was stiff on the spot. After a few seconds, she quickly reached his fine chest and hammered hard to push him away.

The girl in her arms is constantly fluttering. Lu Hanting is holding his handsome eyes to fight her. Anyway, her strength is like a cat, so she can only tickle him.

Soon he felt her uncooperative, because she had been clenching her teeth.

Lu Han Ting stretched out his big hand and held her unique small face. With a low voice and a dark threat, "open your mouth!"

"No!" Xia Xiwan shook her head, and her face was red and white. "Lu Hanting, you don't want to be like this. You have a fiancee, and I have a fiance. We don't want to be entangled in this way."

Lu Hanting's eyes were leaping two Cu dangerous flames, "I told you long ago that I would retire from marriage with Lu Zixian, and then with me."

"How can I deal with you when you've lost your body?" Xia Xiwan couldn't help satirizing him.

No man can accept such a provocation. Lu Hanting's narrow eyes immediately turned red, and he drew up his thin lips in a gloomy way. "Believe it or not, even if I'm done with it, I have a hundred ways and a thousand ways to satisfy you?"

????????? This change. State!

Xia Xiwan struggles hard, but at this moment, two footsteps suddenly come from outside. It is the security guard of the radio station coming up.

"I seem to hear something here. Go and find out who it is."

"Well, I'm here. You go there."

The two security guards discussed and began to search the office.

Xia Xiwan held her breath for a moment, because she had already felt the security guard's approach. She didn't expect to alarm the security guard. If this incident was exposed, it would bring her a lot of trouble.

At this time, Lu Hanting kisses her red lips.

Xia Xiwan wants to struggle, but now as long as she makes a little noise, she will attract the security guard. This despicable man is taking advantage of others' danger!

Lu Hanting did not close his eyes, so staring at her, this is a contest, he is like a fierce and dangerous beast, is bound to conquer his prey.

The big hand pinches her face forcefully, when the summer evening line ache's suction, he deepened this kiss.

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