Lu Hanting stares at her directly, the two Cu flames jumping in the narrow eyes are almost going to burn her. Xia Xiwan buries his red face in his arms.

Lu Hanting bowed his head and went to her red lips.

Xia Xiwan hook lips to avoid, because her mouth has numb, "Mr. Lu, it is time to sleep."

She said in a voice.

Lu Hanting poured his straight body into the bed and looked at the crystal chandelier on his head. He raised his hand to cover his scarlet eyes, and then covered her with quilts, "sleep, good night."

In his arms, Xia Xiwan soon fell asleep.

Lu cold Ting kisses her forehead, in her sweet girl body fragrance love does not release pity, at this time the mobile phone rings again, Suxi's phone is still on.

Lu took a look at Xia Xiwan's sleeping face, then pressed the key to connect the phone.

Suxi's voice, which was about to get mad, passed over in an instant, "wanwan, you are willing to answer my phone at last, I..."

"She is already asleep." Lu Han Ting interrupted him.

Susie on the other side was so stiff that she couldn't hear her breath.

"Su Shao, Wan Wan is very tired and has already fallen asleep in my arms. I'm sorry just now that we are living in a husband and wife's life and didn't hear your phone call."

Finish saying that, Lu Hanting directly hung up the phone.


Xia Xiwan went to the hospital to see Aunt Lin, and just arrived at the gate of the hospital, he saw Xia Xiaodie.

Xia Xiaodie's face is very white and her eyes are red and swollen. It can be seen that the failure of the engagement party has greatly affected her. After all, she has stepped into a powerful family with one foot, but she has been pulled back deeply.

"Xia Xiwan, I asked you, where did you seduce brother Suxi? Why can't I call brother Suxi?"

Xia Xiaodie looks at Xia Xiwan bitterly. She can't contact Suxi any more. She's going crazy.

Xia Xiwan hook lips, "Xia Xiaodie, you look for Suxi, but I don't know where Suxi is."

"Xia Xiwan, don't lie. You seduced brother sushi and let him ignore me."

"Xia Xiaodie, I really didn't cheat you. Oh, by the way, Susie called me a lot last night, but I didn't answer."


Xia Xiaodie is stiff. When she is looking for sushi all over the world, Suxi has been calling Xia Xiwan all night.

Xia Xiaodie quickly pulled into a fist and pinched her nails into the palm of her hand without feeling pain.

"If I have something else to do, I won't be with you." Xia Xiwan enters the hospital.


In the hospital, Xia Xiwan received Ye Ling's wechat letter. If you stimulate Xia Xiaodie like this, don't you fear that they will jump over the wall?

Summer sunset line back to a jump, I have been waiting for this day for a long time.


Xia Xiaodie came back home, and found Li Yulan. "Mom, brother Suxi really doesn't want me. He has been fascinated by Xia Xiwan's fox spirit. I can't reconcile myself. I want Xia Xiwan to die. When she dies, everything will be over. Brother Suxi is still mine!"

Li Yulan's face was also very ugly. Since Xia Xiwan came back, many battles ended with their failure.

Her biggest wish is to let her two daughters marry into the four big families in Haicheng. Originally, Xia Xiaodie was about to succeed, but she was destroyed by Xia Xiwan.

Now Suxi is likely to have a new love affair with Xia Xiwan. When Xia Xiwan becomes a young grandmother of the Su family, all their efforts will be in vain.

Li Yulan took out a paper towel and wiped all the tears on Xia Xiaodie's face. "Xiaodie, Xia Xiwan's affairs will be solved by my mother. I believe my mother, this time I will put Xia Xiwan into hell and let her never turn over!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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