In the hospital, aunt Lin has not yet recovered. Xia Xiwan wiped aunt Lin's body with a warm towel, and then took a thermos bottle to the hot water room to draw water.

At this time, two men in black suddenly appeared in the hot water room, and they closed the door.

Xia Xiwan immediately looked at the two men with vigilance, and quietly put his small hand into his pocket, ready to call with his mobile phone, "who are you, what do you want to do?"

"Little beauty, don't be afraid, brothers have no malice."

Two men in black quickly stepped forward and covered the summer evening line with a handkerchief.

Xia Xiwan struggled hard, but soon she smelled the fragrance on the handkerchief, which had overpowering drugs.

The mobile phone in the hand fell on the ground, Xia Xiwan closed his eyes, the line of sight returned to the darkness.

A man in black picked up Xia Xiwan and said with a wretched smile, "this little beauty has smooth skin and fragrant body. We haven't met this kind of creature for a long time."

Another man in black urged, "get her out first and take her to the car. The employer paid us to have a good time with her. Are you afraid you can't have a good time?"


Li Yulan stayed at home and didn't go anywhere. In the evening, her mobile phone rang, which was a multimedia message.

Li Yulan opened the MMS and found it was a gorgeous photo.

The man who took off his clothes pressed on the summer evening line, the scene was very strong.

Li Yulan looked at the photo several times. Xia Xiwan was pressed under the man's body and couldn't see the whole face clearly, but she was vaguely seen on her side face.


Li Yulan showed a ferocious smile.

At this time, another text message came from the mobile phone. This girl's taste is really cool.

Li Yulan quickly put the money into the account designated by the other party, and then she sent the photo to her former agent. She gave the photo to several Weibo entertainment marketing big V, and let them disclose at the same time that the title was Xia Xiwan's extravagant nightlife.

Li Yulan hated Xia Xiwan too much. She paid several men to take Xia Xiwan away, and then gave her a turn. At the same time, she used her contacts in the entertainment industry to disclose the incident, which completely destroyed Xia Xiwan's reputation.

Half an hour later, the microblog exploded. This gorgeous photo was searched by countless netizens.

I'll go. I can play in the summer evening. I can see the clothes on the ground. I can see at least three men on the scene.

Xia Xiwan was not married to you Lan Yuan to have a good time, which is understandable. After all, the ghost husband couldn't satisfy her.

This summer evening is really cheap.

Looking at Xia Xiwan was burst by the net, Li Yulan really felt relaxed and incisive, she finally put Xia Xiwan into the abyss.

"Mom," Xia Xiaodie jumped in, her face was full of ecstatic light, "Mom, there's a gorgeous photo about Xia Xiwan on Weibo. Are you doing this

Li Yulan nodded comfortably, "yes."

"Mom, you're great."

Xia Xiaodie is going to pay homage to Li Yulan. She is so excited that she kisses Li Yulan. "Mom, Xia Xiwan is really sleeping by several men?"


Xia Xiaodie dances happily. In her opinion, Xia Xiwan is a fox seducer. She likes to seduce men, so she deserves to be turned! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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