"This xiaxiaxiawan is a mouse crossing the street. Everyone yells and beats her. I think she has any face to live in this world. Brother Suxi will not want her. When she arrives, she will still be mine, and I can marry to the Su family as a young grandmother." Xia Xiaodie began to look forward to her beautiful future.

Li Yulan hugged Xia Xiaodie, "Xiaodie, don't worry, there is a mother, no one can rob you and Yan Yan's happiness."

"Yes." Xia Xiaodie nods hard. At this time, she thinks of one thing, "by the way, mom, Xia Xiwan is Dad's daughter after all. Do you think Dad will help her?"

Referring to this matter, Li Yulan sneered, "even if Xia Xiwan is killed, your father will not be sad."

"Why, mom, I feel that dad likes Xia Xiwan, but why doesn't dad like Xia Xiwan so much?"

Li Yulan strangely hooked a lower lip, "butterfly, you don't have to worry about the adult's affairs. Don't ask about this topic in the future."

Xia Xiaodie, seeing Li Yulan's secretive appearance, refuses to reveal at all. Although she is very curious, she also closes her mouth obediently.

Thinking of the tragic situation of Xia Xiwan, Xia Xiaodie laughs happily.


Xia Xiaodie went back to her room, and soon Xia Zhenguo came back.

Li Yulan looked at Xia Zhenguo's gloomy face and could drip it out. She had already known the uproar tonight.

Li Yulan knows Xia Zhenguo too well. This man is feudal and pedantic, and his face is very good. Now the exposure of Xia Xiwan's gorgeous photos has ruined his face.

Li Yulan softened her figure and went to unbutton her suit for Xia Zhenguo. "Zhenguo, what's wrong with you? Who made you angry?"

"Well, it's not Xia Xiwan. She's playing with a few men outside, and all the pornographic photos are exposed. People outside are pointing at me now. I can't lift my head." Xia Zhenguo said angrily.

"Zhenguo, I've heard about this. I've already said that Xia Xiwan's private life is not clean, and she's messing with men outside. Now she's made such a big deal of things that it's damaging our reputation. We can't let the situation get worse and worse. We must find a way as soon as possible."

"I think so, but I called Xia Xiwan, and her phone has not been answered."

Li Yulan thought, of course, no one answered. Now Xia Xiwan is still in the bed of those men.

"Zhenguo, since Xia Xiwan has done such a thing, she has not considered us. We must immediately draw a clear line with her. Tomorrow we will hold a media conference to announce that she has broken off relations with her in public."

Xia Zhenguo thought about it and nodded, "OK, you can arrange this matter!"


The Lu family.

Gu Yejin came to Lu Hanting's president's office. Yan Yi made a cup of coffee and Gu Yejin took a sip. Then he looked at the man opposite the sofa, "Han Ting, Weibo has exploded. Everyone says that you have green grass on your head. Are you not in a hurry?"

Lu Hanting looked down at the document in his hand and did not look up. He lifted his thin lips lightly. "She doesn't like me to interfere in her affairs. She feels disrespectful to her. No matter how big the play is, I will carry it for her."

Gu Yejin picked a sword eyebrow, which is really the strength of her boyfriend max.

At this time, "Ding", Lu Hanting's mobile phone rang, someone sent him a wechat.

There is only one person on his wechat, Xia Xiwan.

Lu Hanting points to open wechat and has a look. The green Mr. Lu sent by Xia Xiwan can still live?

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