Lu Hanting gave her a reply. She didn't hold on. Would you like to come and have a look?

That end was quiet for more than ten seconds, I don't understand. When she responded, she sent a Mr. Lu. I found that you are always color.


Li Yulan held the most luxurious media conference as quickly as possible, and all the media reporters in Haicheng came here.

Public opinion has gone through a night of fermentation, and Xia Xiwan, the party concerned, is missing and there is no news. The reporters are in urgent need of an interview. This media conference organized by Li Yulan just made everyone come here like fighting chicken blood.

Li Yulan restrained all the pride and malice in her heart, and she appeared on the stage with Xia Zhenguo. Xia Xiaodie also came and sat down to watch. She wanted to see Xia Xiwan driven out of Xia's home with her own eyes.

As soon as two people appeared, "click, click and click", the reporters took pictures in a crazy way,

Mr. Xia and Mrs. Xia, do you know where Xia Xiwan is now?

She broke out such a scandal, is not she ashamed to show up?

Li Yulan coughed and her face was sad. "Everyone be quiet. We don't know where Xia Xiwan is now. She has disconnected from us. Although she is the daughter of our Xia family, what she said is really disappointing to us!"

Xia Zhenguo's face has always been very ugly. He said, "we don't know about Xia Xiwan's gorgeous photos. We don't want to respond. The reason for holding this media conference is that I have something important to announce. Xia Xiwan is shameless and uneducated, and has done such a disgraceful thing. I now announce that I will break the relationship between father and daughter with her and formally expel her After leaving home in summer, her life and death have nothing to do with us! "

All the reporters were in a state of uproar when the voice dropped. Everyone said in succession,

Xia Xiwan is really dead. She has been expelled from Xia's family.

She deserves it!

Xia Xiaodie's heart is incomparably happy, too good, Xia Xiwan was expelled from Xia's home, and then she will live and die on her own.

It's too much to fight her.

Li Yulan didn't make a sound. Looking at the expression of scorn and disgust, she quietly aroused a vicious sneer.

At this time, a reporter suddenly called out, "summer sunset line appears!"


Summer evening line appears?

"Take out your mobile phone, Haicheng first beauty ye Lingfa microblog!"

Xia Xiaodie didn't expect such a change. She quickly took out her mobile phone. Ye Linggang's microblog was No. 1 in less than three minutes.

Ye Ling sent a picture of her and Xia Xiwan at the seaside. The golden sunset covered the whole beach. The two beauties happily compared with each other in front of the camera.

Ye Ling attached a short text to visit, so happy.

Xia Xiaodie opened the hot comments, hot comments.

This photo happens to be the profile photo of Xia Xiwan. Some netizens quickly compared this profile photo with that one.

shit, it's not Xia Xiwan at all, the nose and chin are all adjusted, cosmetic goods.

I'll go, Xia Xiwan. What kind of fairy face is this? It's not inferior to stand with Wuli Lingling fairy.

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