"Wanwan, what I said at the beginning, I said you are the person who does great things. Those sour chickens on the Internet are jealous of you. It's OK. Let's go our own way and let them not copy." Blue smoke said happily.

Xia Xiwan, "..."

At this time, a string of melodious mobile phone rings, came to the phone.

Xia Xiwan's button was connected, and Liu Zhaodi's angry voice came quickly from that end. "Xia Xiwan, are you willing to destroy my Zixian? Why should my Zixian pay for the ugly things you have done yourself?"

"Mrs. Lu, what's wrong with Zixian?" Summer evening Wan twist eyebrows.

"Today, the entertainment news about you buying contraceptives was exposed. Zixian was blocked by a large number of media reporters as soon as he was ready to go out. Now it's hard to do anything! Xia Xiwan, if you still have the heart, now come to explain to those media reporters that you are entangled with Lu Hanting. My son Xian is the most innocent one. Don't harm him! "

Xia Xiwan hung up the phone, she quickly got up and got out of bed, "Lan Ma, I'll go out."


Xia Xiwan arrived at Lu's home as fast as she could. She had seen the black head in front of her. Those media reporters surrounded the place.

Xia Xiwan saw Lu Zixian surrounded in the middle of the crowd at a glance. Lu Zixian's handsome face was still sickly pale. All the reporters handed him the microphone, and the questions were very sharp.

Lu Ershao, who is the man with Xia Xiwan once in spring?

Lu Er Shao, is that man you or your elder brother Lu Hanting?

Lu Zixian pursed his pale thin lips. His two big hands hanging on the side of his body tightly pulled them into fists. His cold black eyes overflowed with sudden pain.

That man is not him, that is Lu Hanting!

Xia Xiwan least wants to see this picture. She knows that Lu Zixian likes her very much. Now exposing her and Lu Hanting in front of Lu Zixian is equivalent to stabbing his heart with a knife. He must be in pain now.

Xia Xiwan voice clear and beautiful voice way, "that person is not Lu Zixian, you don't interview him again!"

"Brush" once, everyone's eyes are focused on Xia Xiwan's body.

As the heroine of this love triangle, her appearance almost caused a sensation to everyone. Everyone withdrew from Lu Zixian's side and crowded in front of Xia Xiwan.

Miss Xia, what were you talking about just now, can you say it again?

Xia Xiwan looked over the camera at Lu Zixian and said in a soft voice, "Lu Zixian and I are engaged to be baby lovers. After we met, we soon felt that we were not suitable for each other, so we peacefully retired. My affairs have nothing to do with him, and he has no knowledge of it. You should not disturb his life. He is a doctor, and every minute of his time is precious."

Xia Xiwan doesn't go to Lu Zixian. Two people face each other at a distance. She has picked him out of the scandal. This is the best distance. She believes Lu Zixian will understand.

Lu Zixian certainly understood. He looked at the girl in front of him. Her bright pupil twinkled with wisdom and determination. No matter what difficulties she encountered, she could make the best decision rationally and soberly.

Xia Xiwan, since that man is not Lu Zixian, who is that?

A reporter asked.

At this time, a deep magnetic voice came from the ear, "it's me!"

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