Xia Xiwan looks back, Lu Hanting is coming!

Today, Lu Hanting was wearing a handmade black suit. He was tall and upright. He stepped forward with long legs. Every step brought out a strong and icy atmosphere, such as the Emperor himself.

The noisy crowd quickly gave up a way, Lu Hanting walked to the side of Xia Xiwan, naturally stretched out his big hand around her soft bee waist.

His intimacy proved something to the audience.

Xia Xiwan struggled for a while and didn't know what he wanted to do again. At this time, Lu Hanting looked at her with a warning look at her with his handsome eyelids, "don't move, I'm helping you!"

Xia Xiwan Yujie trembles. The last thing she wants to hurt is Lu Zixian. This is what she and Lu Hanting have to do. Now that Lu Hanting suddenly joins in, she can really take Lu Zixian out completely.

The summer twilight is not moving.

At this time, all the microphones were handed over to Lu Hanting, and everyone was as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood,

Mr. Lu, are you really in love with Xia Xiwan?

General manager Lu, you and Li family's daughter Li Yanran have been engaged. Are you sitting on the summer sunset when the junior?

General manager Lu, what will you do next? How do you plan to arrange the two women Li Yanran and Xia Xiwan? Are you going to have both of them and enjoy the same happiness?

Click, click, we take pictures.

Lu Zixian stood in the same place and looked at Lu Hanting and Xia Xiwan who were surrounded at the moment. Now there is no reporter around him. All the public opinions have poured on Lu Hanting and Xia Xiwan.

He moved, trying to move forward.

But at this time, Liu Zhaodi stopped him. "Zixian, that's enough. Xia Xiwan has already taken you out. You don't have to wade in muddy water. Besides, it's the thing between Lu Hanting and Xia Xiwan. What can you do when you go there?"

Liu Zhaodi is still very satisfied with Xia Xiwan's ability to receive all the dirty water on her body, so Lu Zixian will be washed clean.

But she doesn't appreciate Xia Xiwan at all. Even now she is watching the good play of Lu Hanting and Xia Xiwan. Let's make it, the bigger the better!

Lu Zixian was frozen in the same place. Liu Zhaodi had a word that deeply hurt him. Yes, it was between Lu Hanting and Xia Xiwan.

It has always been a matter between them. During this period, he tried hard to join their world, but no matter how hard he tried, he was always like an outsider, unable to get involved.

And Xia Xiwan, she took him out at the first time. Did she think that what he needed was not to take him out, but he wanted to wind and rain with her.

However, the person she chose to bear the wind and rain together was always Lu Hanting.

What she likes and depends on in her heart, the good and the bad in her life are all about Lu Hanting.

Lu Zixian's heart surged a sense of frustration, powerlessness, as if he had been flooded by a tide.

Lu Zixian turns around and leaves.


All the spotlights fall on Lu Hanting and Xia Xiwan. Lu Hanting embraces Xia Xiwan's delicate body, and his sharp narrow eyes like hawk and Falcon wander the whole scene.

Those who came into contact with his eyes felt numb, and the noisy atmosphere was instantly quiet.

Lu Hanting this just face the camera, he lifted thin lips, concise announcement way, "I and Li Yan Ran have already retired."

He and Li Yanran quit marriage?

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