Xia Zhenguo's look is dark and unclear, and finally turns to leave, the light will pull out his back, a bit of nostalgia and sentimental.

Xia Xiaodie enters the room and lies on the head of Li Yulan's bed and cries, "Mom, is Dad going to divorce you? How can dad be so heartless? What should we do?"

Li Yulan crumpled the divorce agreement and threw it away. She won't divorce. She won't leave the Xia family. She won't be discarded like a useless garbage.

At this time, a footstep sounded, and Xia Xiaodie was overjoyed, "Dad, have you changed your mind, you..."

Xia Xiaodie stagnates, because what comes in is not Xia Zhenguo, but Xia Xiwan.

Li Yulan now hate poison's eyes, would like to Xia Xiwan to poke out a few blood holes, "what are you doing here?"

Xia Xiwan sat on the chair, jade white's small hand poured a cup of tea for herself, she hooked her lips, "of course, it's to see you joke, otherwise?"

"I'm going to kill you, little bastard!"

Li Yulan pulled the bed and wanted to go down, but her body was covered with black and blue. Such a violent movement only made her painful eyes black.

I'm in a terrible mess.

Xia Xiwan looked at Li Yulan, "you said that as long as you have value one day, you won't fall down. But now your reputation and contacts in the entertainment industry have collapsed, and the whole network is blacking you. Xia's medical treatment here has become a disgrace to the Xia family and shamed my father. I will change you from valuable to useless. Sure enough, my father will soon dump you It's a divorce certificate on your face. "

"Li Yulan, every day I come back from the countryside, I think, sooner or later, I will let you taste my destiny ten years ago, lose my love and be abandoned by the whole world!"

Li Yulan hated to gnash her teeth. She was really wrong. She really looked down on Xia Xiwan. She didn't have much time to come back, but a pair of plain hands stirred the wind and cloud, which had turned the Xia family upside down.

"Xia Xiwan, I should have killed you ten years ago. I shouldn't have let you live in this world!" Li Yulan roared.

Xia Xiwan finished a cup of tea calmly, "you should regret the kindness of not killing me that day, because you will slowly know that today is just the beginning."

With that, Xia Xiwan put down his tea cup and turned to leave. "A waste is not worth my time. Maybe it can make you live


Li Yulan felt that her throat was fishy and sweet, and she was about to spit out a mouthful of blood.

However, she pressed the blood back deeply, laughing at Xia Xiwan's delicate figure, "Xia Xiwan, do you think your father will divorce me, tell you a news, Yanyan is back!"

Xia Yanyan!

When it comes to Xia Yanyan, the pride of the Xia family, Xia Zhenguo's favorite daughter, the first lady of Haicheng, even Xia Xiaodie suddenly comes back from the dead. "Xia Xiwan, my sister is coming back. Ten years ago, you were not her opponent, ten years later, you are still not!"

Xia Xiwan gently gathered a slender feather Jie, and then raised her eyes, her clear Jian pupil bloomed a clear broken light, look at the flow between, brilliant.

"That's a coincidence. I've been waiting for this day for a long time. You are my gift to meet her. When you see her, ask for me. Is this gift satisfactory to her?"

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