Xia Xiwan returns to Youlan garden and gives the Barbie doll she bought back to Mrs. Lu. The old lady is happy like a child and quickly takes several photos to send a micro blog.

"Wanwan, do you have a microblog? I care about you. Grandma will be your number one fan

Xia Xiwan didn't expect that the old lady even started microblogging. She has just opened her microblog. During this period of time, she has been on hot search. She has 800 thousand fans.

"Grandma, we are related to each other."

Xia Xiwan finds out the old lady's account number. The old lady's microblog name is granny, 18 years old ~

in the face of her 18-year-old grandmother, Xia Xiwan's delicate eyebrows are stained with a smile.

The old lady put up a picture of herself and Barbie doll, and also sent it by her granddaughter-in-law. Thanks for my little wanwan, mumuda ~

Xia Xiwan thought that the old lady was so powerful. She played the microblog and could say popular words. She quickly gave the old lady a compliment.

"Wanwan, grandma also has something to give you." The old lady mysteriously stuffed a purse bag to Xia Xiwan.

Xia Xiwan looks at the purse. It is quite exquisite. It should be made of silk brocade from Suzhou and Hangzhou. It is also embroidered with a word "Lu" on it.

"What is this, grandma?"

"In this purse, there's dezifu and wanwan that I've asked for from the temple. You should keep it and don't lose it."

Get your son's blessing

As expected, she is still a grandmother. In three words, I can go back to the theme of holding great grandchildren.

Xia Xiwan pulled a red lip and accepted it. "Good grandma, I will take good care of it and won't lose it."

At this time, there are two bright lights on the lawn through the polished glass window plating in, the old lady said with a smile, "Wan Wan, cold Ting is back."

Lu Hanting is back.

This time, Xia Xiwan went out for seven days, two people did not see for a long time, she quickly got up to the door, looked up and saw the Rolls Royce phantom parked on the lawn.

The driver's door opened and a tall and upright body burst into the sight.

Today, Lu Hanting is wearing a handmade black suit with a tie around his neck. He is abstinent and elegant.

Xia Xiwan saw him walk with steady steps. With every step of his life, the black trousers cut like a blade can walk out of the cold and charming atmosphere of business elites and the indifference and alienation of the born king.

Xia Xiwan originally wanted to run out to meet him, but she still hid behind the door frame, ready to scare him and give him one.

Xiao Yuanyuan squats at Xia Xiwan's feet and doesn't know what the owner is doing.

Xia Xiwan quickly puts her white finger on her lips and makes a silent gesture.

The little circle stopped calling.

Xia Xiwan's small hands lie on the doorframe and peep out a pair of black Jian Tong secretly.

Lu Ting came to see her.

Xia Xiwan was frightened and hid quickly and didn't dare to see it.

Lu Hanting has already found her, and a small part of her skirt is exposed by the door. He knows she is hiding there.

Just now he saw her in that black eyes, was found like a deer bumping, and then retracted back.

Lu Hanting hooked his thin lips.

Xia Xiwan waited and waited, but did not wait for him to come.

What's the matter? How can he walk so long for such a short distance?

Xia Xiwan pokes out a small head to see, Lu Hanting has disappeared.

Why, where did he go?

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