Xia Xiwan didn't want to continue such a topic with him. She tied the newly bought belt on his body and nodded with satisfaction, "it's really beautiful."

Lu Hanting's figure doesn't need to be boasted. In fact, it looks good to wear any belt.

"What do you mean by giving me a belt, someone who wants to hold me fast?"

"Wrong." Xia Xiwan shook his head. She grabbed his belt and pulled him over. Then she took a high-profile oath and said, "I send you a belt In the future, your belt can only be opened by me! "

Lu Hanting's eyes were dark, and a cluster of red flames leaped out of it. He pushed her to the bed with his big hands on her fragrant shoulder. He pressed her on one knee, "Lu Hanting dares not to follow Mrs. Lu's life!"

Xia Xiwan fell into the soft bed, and three thousand green silk fell down. She lifted up and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. "Mr. Lu is so nice."

Lu Hanting reached out and opened the veil on her face.

Xia Xiwan is still very small. Her beautiful facial features have just opened up. Her delicate eyebrows and eyes are so delicate that people can't bear to desecrate her, but they want to destroy and possess her.

Lu Hanting reached out and held her gorgeous little face, and then he kissed her bright red lips.

Xia Xiwan probably knows that he likes his face very much. She hides for a while.

Lu Hanting raised his eyelids and asked in a hoarse voice, "what's the matter? Don't you really miss me these days

Xia Xiwan is bewitched by his hoarse voice. This man is very desperate. Her ears are almost pregnant.

"Mr. Lu, you are so colorful I'm a little scared. "

Lu Hanting two big hands on her side, looking down at the arms of the girl, she is still too small.

"If you're afraid, close your eyes." He said.

Xia Xiwan's long feather fluttered and quickly closed his eyes.

Lu Hanting stretched out his hand and pulled off the golden bed curtain. He put his big hand around her waist and turned over and let her sit in his arms.

Lu Hanting will Yingting back against the head of the bed, "this is not afraid, if afraid, you can go down from me at any time."

Xia Xiwan wants to go down now.

But Lu Han Ting grabbed her and changed the topic, "what is this?"

He pointed to the purse with his eyes.

Xia Xiwan quickly picked up the purse in the palm of his hand, "this is what grandma went to the temple to ask for me Dezi fu... "

Lu Hanting looked at the "Lu" character on the purse with gold thread, and said, "well, take care of what grandma gave you."

"I see." Xia Xiwan's clever response, grandma sent things, even if it's a son Fu, she will treasure it.

Xia Xiwan wants to put the purse up, but when the sight is dark, Lu Hanting's overwhelming kiss falls down


The next morning, Xia Xiwan was woken up by a string of melodious cell phone ringtones. Her little hand touched the mobile phone, and she connected the phone, "hello."

Soon, a pleasant voice like a yellow warbler slowly passed over, "Wan Wan, it's me, Yan Yan."

Summer evening line opened his eyes, at this time the bright dawn has been through the layers of window curtain plating sprinkled in, a room of warmth.

The drowsy sleepiness in the eyes dissipated in an instant, and Xia Xiwan slowly drew up her red lips, "Xia Yanyan, are you back?"

Xia Yanyan in that end gentle smile, "yes, wanwan, I came back, a blink of an eye has been ten years, long time no see."

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