Xia Xiwan hook lips, "Xia Yanyan, you know, these ten years I miss you every day. "

"Of course I believe, I also know that you will come back one day, so I dare not have a trace of slack in the past ten years, and strive to be better, so that I can Once again, I will drive you into the abyss. "

As the first lady of Haicheng, Xia Yanyan is beautiful and charming, and has a good voice. Even when she talks about "driving you into hell", she still has a gentle smile, which makes people feel a little creepy.

Looking at the bright morning light outside the window, Xia Xiwan said slowly, "I came from the abyss. I have never been afraid of the abyss. On the contrary, it is you. I have lived in heaven for the past ten years. I promise that from the moment you come back, it is your farewell to heaven. To allow you for ten years is my greatest kindness to you."

The end of the Xia Yanyan silent for a moment, and then hung up the phone.

Xia Xiwan receives her mobile phone and gets out of bed to wash. She has to say that although Li Yulan gave birth to Xia Xiaodie, Xia Yanyan is an enemy that can not be underestimated.

She will not forget how Xia Yanyan was ten years ago. At that time, she and Ye Ling were the best girlfriends. Xia Yanyan often secretly stood in the corner and looked at them enviously. When she called her over to play together, Xia Yanyan always tugged at her clothes, shy and timid.

She and Ye Ling can chat. Xia Yanyan is quiet as a little tail. When she looks back at her, she always smiles shyly and whispers in a soft voice that she can't speak. It's good to be a listener.

Even once, in order to save her, Xia Yanyan was bitten by a dog.

Now Xia Xiwan thinks that Xia Yanyan is a teenager at that time.

Ye Ling didn't like Xia Yanyan the most. At that time, Ye Ling told her that she was the virgin of green tea, and told her to be careful.

It's a pity that at that time she really regarded Xia Yanyan as a good friend. She didn't guard against her at all, so that she put herself into the abyss.

Xia Xiwan did not go out today. She accompanied the old lady to weed and water the back garden. She was waiting quietly.

In the afternoon, Xia Xiwan opens her microblog, and Xia Yanyan is already on a hot search.

Xia Yanyan sent a micro blog, with a note saying that I heard the bad news. My mother had made a big mistake. She didn't ask for forgiveness. She only wanted to give her a chance to live. I am willing to bear all the responsibilities of my mother.

Xia Yanyan also has a photo taken in the hospital. Li Yulan is lying in the intensive care unit with an oxygen mask on her face and dripping. She is sitting at the head of the bed, holding her hand tightly, sad and sad.

Xia Xiwan smiles. Xia Yanyan's Micro blog is really exquisite. The full text shows her innocence and filial piety in all aspects as a daughter, which can be called a model of crisis public relations.

In the past ten years, Xia Yanyan has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although she does not mix with the entertainment industry, her microblog fans have reached 18 million, and most of them are brain disabled fans, and her combat effectiveness is very high.

Xia Xiwan has a look at it. Xia Yanyan has been writing for ten minutes. She has already praised one million people. There is a hot word behind her.

The hot comment is like this,

goddess Yanyan, don't cry, we have been there.

The goddess of Wuli Yanyan is so miserable that she has such parents?

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